
Trends in Japan
在多个领域具有世界领先技术实力的日本,在航空航天领域也已拥有强大的自主研发技术。日本率先将小行星岩石样品成功带回地球,并一直致力于开发世界上第一颗手掌大小的超小型卫星。日本还是协助国际空间站 (ISS) 运行的 15 个国家之一,并为空间站做出了巨大贡献。
在日本,自动售货机随处可见——不仅在市中心和火车站等一般场所,甚至在乡村小路这样偏远的地方也有它们的身影。近几年的一些重大事件,突显了能够在不与他人接触的情况下购物的好处,各种新型自动售货机也就应运而生。 自动售货机是日本人备受青睐的生活方式;经过发展,它们不仅销售饮料和零食等常规产品,还能满足人们的特定需求也就不足为奇了。
充分发挥食材的自然风味是深深融入日本烹饪的一种理念,因此厨师需要精准切割食材。切菜方式不仅会影响食物的外观,也会影响其味道和质地,正因如此,一把锋利的日本厨刀必不可少。锋锐的日本厨刀可以轻松切割食材,不会造成食物纤维粉碎,从而留住自然风味和"鲜美"(umami) 口感。我们来看看日本厨刀的特别之处、它们的使用方式,及其如何经过精心磨砺,打造出更适合日本烹饪方法的刀刃。
在日本,人们经常吃鱼,包括生鱼,而冷冻对于大量稳定供应新鲜鱼类至关重要。上世纪60年代,日本引进了在 -50℃ 的超低温度下速冻金枪鱼的技术。速冻的特点是能够迅速冻结食物的分子结构,避免腐坏或品质下降。
2011年3月11日,发生了2011年东日本大地震和海啸。这是在日本三陆海岸发生的(Mw)9.0级地震,是日本有史以来最大的一次地震。这次地震导致的海啸给包括太平洋一侧的东北沿海地区的许多地方带来了损失。撰写此文的2021年是这场史无前例、造成了众多伤亡的灾后第10个年头。 本文是两篇特辑中的第1部分,报道了在海啸中遭受重大损失的三陆海岸。第二部将向您介绍受灾地区的现状。
2011年3月11日,发生了2011年东日本大地震和海啸。这是在日本三陆海岸发生的(Mw)9.0级地震,是日本有史以来最大的一次地震。这次地震导致的海啸给包括太平洋一侧的东北沿海地区的许多地方带来了巨大的损失。大家可能还记得这次地震和海啸导致的福岛第一核电站事故。 2021年是这场史无前例、造成了众多伤亡的灾难发生后的第10个年头。本文是两篇特辑中的第1部分,报道了在海啸中遭受重大损失的三陆海岸。第1部分探讨了可以从海啸和地震中吸取的教训,以及提高防灾意识的举措。
位于东京上野公园的国立西洋美术馆主体建筑作为是 “对现代建筑运动作出杰出贡献的勒・柯布西耶建筑作品”的一部分,于2016年被指定为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。
日本工业产品如豪华车、食品包装和高性能薄膜等中, 运用生物的优良结构和功能的生物模仿(仿生)技术正在大展身手。
Have you ever worn a shirt that feels cool in summer or underwear that warms you up in winter?Garments made of synthetic fibers feel cool, are absorbent and quick drying or have the function of retaining heat.
Laundries are everywhere you look when you walk along the streets of Japan. One reason for their prevalence might be the Japanese seasons.
Dry cell batteries are essential to our lives today. People put them in TV remote controllers, flashlights and other electronic gadgets that are often used without thought in daily life.
Automated multistory parking facilities, which have machines automatically carrying cars to parking spaces, are quite a common sight in Japan.
Many people in Japan suffer from hay fever and can be seen wearing masks when spring arrives. Face masks sold in Japan have an extremely tight weave, so dust and pollen particles cannot pass through them easily.
The 21st century has been lauded as “the era of the environment” as the world faces a host of problems such as global warming, as well as air and water pollution. As a consequence, there is a growing interest in Japan for new technologies that make use of sunlight.
Car sharing, a membership system for the joint use of cars, is growing. The system is proving popular because you can use a car anytime you need one, and try out cars with automatic braking and other uniquely Japanese options that meet a broad spectrum of customer needs.
In Japan, you can drink delicious tap water safely anytime, anywhere.
Japanese convenience store companies are now working to make low-cost stores while reducing their impact on the environment by utilizing natural energy.
Japanese stationary continue to evolve daily, aiming for the ultimate experience.
In Japan, high capacity communication and plant factory using LED lighting has reached the stage of practical use.
The latest models of electronic paper developed by Japanese manufactures are able to activate company meetings and transform school lectures into on-the-spot workshop in which all students can participate.
Japanese manufacturers of household appliances are bringing out new handyelectronic beauty products which allow us to meticulously groom the whole body, including skin, eyes and scalp.
Attention is focused on initiatives promoted by Japanese companies and research institutes that aim to develop algae as a resource, amid concerns over depleting energy resources such as oil and food crises.
In Japan, the technological developments in energy harvesting (environmental generation) that convert the faint energies from heat and vibration occurring in daily life into electricity are in progress.
Biometric authentication technology, using vein patterns of the hand or finger, becomes the center of public attention as the most important technology of personal identification among the information protection measures.
Advanced new high technology has been introduced to demolish high-rise buildings in Japan. High-tech demolition systems feature safety, energy conservation and environmental protection, and even visually beautiful.
A world-class underground discharge channel has been constructed to protect residents from flood by using the very best of Japan's state-of-the-art civil engineering technology on the outskirts of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.
Hera-shibori, or metal spinning, is a metal sheet-processing technique requiring exquisite manual work. Permitting higher degrees of precision than those made by state-of-the-art processing machines, it is indispensable for the manufacture of some products such as rocket nose cones and dish antennas.
Japan has been doing extensive research on water-recycling and reuse technologies. "Water Plaza Kitakyushu" is one of Japan’s largest facilities aimed dealing with global water problems.
Head-mounted displays (HMD) have been evolving in Japan. When an HMD is worn like a pair of goggles, it shows spectacular video images right in front of the wearer's eyes. Japanese manufacturers have developed various HMD video entertainment systems with breathtaking 3D images, taking advantage of LCD panels and CG technology in which they excel.
In Japan, the development of next-generation cars is focusing on safety systems aimed at avoiding a collision itself, utilizing a high-tech evolution in sophisticated automatic braking and driver-warning systems made possible with miniaturized cameras as well as advanced radar and image-processing technologies.
High technology has been employed in nursing care in the aging society of Japan, including automatically controlled beds based on human engineering and nursing care robots, to help care receivers live more comfortably.
Japan is coming up with innovative housing "with a zero energy bill," counting on natural power, like solar energy and geothermal heat.
Carbon fiber technology, developed in Japan decades ago, has come into the limelight for use in a growing array of lightweight, cutting-edge applications.
Japanese industrial development has been sustained over the years by small, innovative, hard-working manufacturers. Today, major engineering firms around the world also rely on this advanced expertise.
From ancient times, many areas of Japan have experienced long, cold winters— climactic conditions that have inspired a whole array of innovative countermeasures to help fight off the incessant chill of the season.
Technological advances in the traditional weaving and knitting industry have revolutionized the creation of modern-day cloth and fabric, helping to generate an array of astonishing new designs, composition and quality.
Colds have plagued humankind since time immemorial, and every culture has produced it own traditional remedies. In Japan, people rely on various concoctions of vegetables and herbs—and even sake—to relieve troublesome cold symptoms.
When people consider odor, they have few pleasant thoughts. But in Japan today, scientists are conducting advanced research into the amazing benefits of using odor to prevent danger and detect disease.
Japan's small, urban side-street pubs and bars are experiencing a new boom, as young people are flocking to them for camaraderie, conversation and relaxation.
Used from ancient times in Japan, fermented foods provide an abundance of benefits, and it is not just their health and preservation attributes—they have become a core aspect of the subtlety, savoriness and depth of Japanese cuisine.
Japanese cell phone and smartphone users will soon be able to talk freely with people who don't speak a word of Japanese. The new phones use amazing new technologies to translate spoken conversations in real time. Good bye, language barrier!
Japan's K supercomputer is now the world's fastest, carrying out calculations at over 10 petaflops and opening up many new possibilities for advanced research and simulations.
Around the world, Japanese green tea has been acclaimed as one of the healthiest drinks available, but few people know much about its ancient origins, varieties and popularity throughout present-day Japan.