Web Japan

About Web Japan

Web Japan was launched with the aim of helping people around the world get to know more about Japan and the Japanese.

The site provides highly reliable information on Japan across many different genres including culture, sightseeing, society, history and nature. The content is provided primarily in English, but a portion of the site is multilingual.

Web Japan is operated by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). With the exception of those rights possessed by third parties, MOFA reserves all the rights of the content of this website, except the images that MOFA is granted use permission by their respective owners.

You can access the information on this site in three ways:

  • Contents title search: Choose the site best suited to your interest from the titles on the top page.
  • Category search: Search from among eight categories “Nature & Geography, Politics & Administration, Economy & Industry, Society, Culture, Travel & Sightseeing, Sports & Leisure, and Science & Technology ”to find the information you need.
  • Keyword search: Narrow down the information you are searching for by typing in a keyword. You can also do “and/or” searches.

We hope that Web Japan will prove useful in promoting the understanding of Japan among people of the world.

Contents Information

Web Japan, for example, provides the following contents.

Kids Web Japan

Kids Web Japan

Kids Web Japan provides fun content that helps children learn about Japan. The site is widely used in elementary and middle school classrooms around the world.

For example, provides the following contents

An Introduction to Japanese Food

Why do the Japanese like cherry blossoms so much?

Japanese Houses

Trends in Japan

Trends in Japan

Short, engaging dispatches on the latest and hottest trends in Japanese lifestyle, science & technology, fashion, pop culture, and food & travel.

For example, provides the following contents

Fashion & Design

Hidden Like Secret Bases Automated Multistory Parking Facilities

New Year's Lucky Bags Packed with Great Deals