2023 NO.34
Souvenirs of Japan
Simply Add Hot Water and Serve
Miso Soup Monaka
Photos: Osaka Satoshi
Enjoy varieties of miso soup with tofu, wakame seaweed, taro, okra and other ingredients.
Miso soup, a soup of vegetables and other ingredients simmered in a broth of dried bonito flakes and dried sardines with added miso paste, is an essential part of Japanese cuisine. Made from fermented soybeans, miso contains protein, vitamins, and amino acids and is also rich in gut-friendly lactic acid bacteria. Add ingredients like tofu and vegetables, and a single bowlful provides plenty of nutrition. Miso soup also improves blood circulation and warms the body; it frequently accompanies breakfast in Japan.
Miso soup monaka is a convenient alternative for today’s busy people, who may not have time to make miso soup from scratch. The term monaka was originally used for Japanese confections of sweet adzuki bean paste covered in a thin baked rice cake shell. Instead of sweet adzuki paste, miso soup monaka are filled with hardened freeze-dried miso stock and other ingredients. Simply pour hot water over the monaka to dissolve, and it is ready to serve. As nutritious as regular miso soup, these instant soups are also quite flavorful. The shells come in a variety of colors and shapes, so they are a treat for the eyes, as well. Why not try a bowl of quick and easy miso soup at home?
Cooperation: Hana Ichie