Since time immemorial, humans and mosquitos have been at odds. More than just spoiling our picnics and keeping us awake at night with their buzzing, mosquitos are spreaders of deadly diseases like malaria, West Nile virus, and dengue. While these diseases are extremely rare in Japan today, that is not the case in some parts of the world. Let’s find out how Japanese people have dealt with mosquitos over the ages, and how Japan is contributing to the global battle against these flying nuisances.
Japan Combats Mosquitos With Techniques Old and New

New Eco-Friendly Farming Ideas Put Waste Matter to Use
Due to population growth and other factors, food waste has become a big problem around the world. In Japan, factories, grocery stores, and restaurants make efforts to use resources as efficiently as possible, but some amount of food waste is inevitable. Now, Japanese researchers and businesses are working together, finding creative new ways to turn food waste into an invaluable resource.

From Barbecues to Carbon Materials, Japanese Sumi has the Power to Change the World
Japan is a largely mountainous country, and with its abundant rainfall, most of those mountains are covered in forests. Against this backdrop, it is no wonder that the Japanese people have a long and rich history of utilizing and innovating with trees. From grand historical architecture to beautiful traditional handicrafts, there are many well-known examples of the use of wood in Japanese culture. But today we are going to look at a more unassuming use of wood: sumi.

Japanese Eco-friendly Outboard Motors
In the world of boating, reliability - being able to trust that your engine will not malfunction - is everything. Of course, this is also true for cars or any kind of vehicle, but it is especially true when you are at sea, where you cannot simply pull over on the side of the road when you experience a problem. With so much on the line, it is no wonder people all over the world rely on high-quality Japanese manufacturing for outboard motors for their boats. An outboard motor is a motor that attaches onto the back of a small or mid-size boat, providing both propulsion and steering. Let’s look at the role Japanese companies are playing in this field and the exciting new advances that are on the horizon.

Japan Has Unique Vehicles That Are Packed with Technology
The Japanese archipelago is part of the circum-Pacific belt, and is characterized by its highly mountainous terrain. Japan is surrounded by seas and has many inland lakes, so there are a lot of places across the country in which being near water is a regular part of life, as well. In recent years, unique vehicles have been developed in different parts of Japan to match these characteristics. These vehicles have gained attention not only as a way to make Japan’s transportation better, but also as a new resource for tourism. Let’s take a look at some of these vehicles.

Braille Blocks Is Now More Accommodating Than Ever with App Integration
Braille blocks was invented in Japan before spreading across the world. It is called tenji blocks in Japanese, because it was inspired by Braille writing (“tenji” in Japanese). This invention plays a crucial role to help people with visual impairments when walking around. In recent years, many new technological developments and initiatives have been carried out to make braille blocks even more safe, secure, easy to use, and convenient. These efforts have allowed the paving to be integrated with multiple apps, in addition to the bumps on the surface that can be identified through physical touch. Image processing technologies using smartphones have evolved at a particularly rapid pace recently, and so engineers are carrying out projects to include data on braille blocks through visual means, which can be interpreted by technology to give detailed information through voice. This article looks at three examples of systems developed in Japan using braille blocks with encoded information.

“Stealth Appliances” That Blend into Daily Life
“Stealth appliances” have been gaining attention in recent years as a new type of product that combines furniture with electrical appliances to offer multiple functions while also blending into daily life. Let’s take a look at some of these “stealth appliances” that are popular in Japan for the way they link technology with people’s lifestyles in many different ways.

Ultrafine Bubbles: Revolutionizing Household Water Systems
Japan's ultrafine bubble technology is attracting interest from around the world. These bubbles are so tiny they're invisible to the naked eye (less than 1 μm in diameter) and have exceptional cleaning power because of their ability to slip into the smallest crevices. In Japan, this technology has been rapidly adopted across various industrial fields, and its incorporation into household showers, washing machines, and hot water systems means that it can now be used in the home water systems. This article will delve into how ultrafine bubbles are changing the way we live.

Unmanned Stores Are on the Rise in Japan
Japan is known for being a safe country, with vending machines all over. Recently, there have been more and more unmanned stores that utilize technology. Unmanned vegetable stores have been a familiar sight for many years in Japan. Let's look at the recent trends about unattended retail in the country.

The Latest Technology in Japan's Dining Industry
Japan's dining industry offers many different ways to eat out: restaurants, cafes, fast food, and more. The industry has an ongoing issue of labor shortages, but there are many stores that appeal to customers with a unique approach. Let's look at how Japan's dining industry is evolving with technology.

Japan's Smart Agriculture and Fisheries
Agriculture and fisheries are two industries where people have to work alongside the natural environment, which they have no way of controlling, and as both are also primary industries, they involve a lot of manual labor, leading to problems such as labor shortages and an aging workforce. People around the world are working to solve these problems using technologies like IoT and AI, and their progress is picking up speed. In this article, we will discuss some new technologies developed by smaller startups, how they are starting to see use in Japanese agriculture and fisheries, and how they may be used far and wide in the near future.

Japan's World-Class Original Aerospace Technology
Japan, which boasts some of the world's most advanced technological capabilities, has developed original technology in the field of aerospace. Japan carried out the first successful sample return of asteroid matter to Earth, and has been moving ahead with development of the world's first ultra-compact satellite that can fit in the palm of your hand. Japan also makes a great contribution as one of the 15 countries that help run the International Space Station (ISS).

Quintessentially Japanese Sustainable New Materials
Japanese companies from various industries are developing new materials in pursuit of creating a sustainable society. They are based on a wide range of source materials, such as discarded rice and vegetables, cloth that failed to meet strict product quality standards, and shards of Japanese porcelain. What kinds of new materials will emerge by repurposing these waste products that used to be simply discarded?

Japanese Vending Machines: Selling Tasty Noodles and Oodles More
In Japan, vending machines are everywhere — not just ordinary places like town centers and train stations, but even remote spots like the side of the road in tiny rural villages. Events in recent years have highlighted the benefits being able to buy products without making contact with another person, and various new types of vending machines have appeared as a result. Vending machines are a beloved part of life in Japan, so it's no surprise that they've evolved to cater to people's specific needs alongside selling regular products like drinks and snacks.

Japanese Kitchen Knives: An Essential Part of Japanese Cuisine
Making the most of the natural flavors of ingredients is integral to Japanese cooking, so for chefs, cutting ingredients requires the utmost precision. The way something is cut can affect not just the look but also the taste and texture of the food — which is where razor-sharp Japanese kitchen knives come in. A well-sharpened Japanese knife can cut through ingredients without crushing their fibers, keeping all of the natural flavors and umami taste intact. Let's take a look at what makes Japanese knives special, how they're used, and how they've been honed to suit Japanese cookery.

By Taking Measures against Infectious Diseases, Japan Is Ready to Get Even Cleaner!
Despite the absence of trash cans, Japanese streets and downtown areas are not covered with garbage, and scenes of Japanese sports fans picking up trash after games have garnered attention around the world. All this adds up to Japan having an international reputation for being clean. Let's take a look at some hygiene-related technologies and initiatives that focus on sanitization and sterilization.

Victory Bouquet: Flowers Given to Victorious Athletes
Victory bouquets are held by athletes in their moment of triumph on the winners' podium of a sports competition. There are a myriad of sought-after attributes for bouquets given to winning athletes, such as their color, shape, longevity, size, the strength of their stems, and many more. Here are some examples of selective breeding and cultivation techniques, and smart agriculture in the production of flowers for victory bouquets.

Disaster-Prevention Technology in Japan
Natural disasters are a growing risk worldwide, from earthquakes to tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, torrential rains, flooding, landslides, tornadoes, heavy snowfall, and more. Japan is no stranger to disasters, having witnessed its share of torrential rain, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. As a result, the country is engaged in a number of disaster-related initiatives.

Keeping Freshly Harvested and Freshly Made Food Delicious for a Long Time: A Fresh Look at Frozen Food
In Japan, where people eat a lot of fish, including some of it raw, freezing is essential to a stable and wide supply of fresh fish. In the 1960s, technology for rapidly freezing tuna at ultra-low temperatures of -50°C was introduced. Rapid freezing is characterized by its ability to freeze the molecular structure of the food quickly so that it does not break down or degrade in quality.

Traditional Washi Paper: From Japan to the World
Washi is the traditional Japanese paper that has been used in the daily lives of Japanese people since ancient times, in things like shoji sliding doors and lanterns. Washi can be used to give spaces a subtle ambience because of the way it softens the quality of the light and sound that passes through it and moderates the room temperature. Not only that, washi is also very durable — we still have some documents that were written on washi 1000 years ago!

Dishes Eaten on Special Occasions in Japan Feature People’s Wishes to Match Seasonal Events
Special dishes are eaten on seasonal events and days of celebration. In Japan, these kinds of special dishes use ingredients that are in season, and people eat them while wishing for the happiness and health of their families. This article showcases the appeal of dishes eaten on special events in Japan that you are encouraged to try, even if you live abroad.

Weather Forecasting Technology
Japan’s weather forecasting technology continues to improve in accuracy every year. Weather forecasts in Japan are carried out using land surface weather observation, supercomputers, weather satellites in space, and other methods in combination. Weather forecasts help people with social and economic life, as well as in preventing disasters. This article looks at Japan’s ever-evolving weather forecasting technology.

Special Feature on the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami—Part 2: Restoration
The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami struck on March 11, 2011. A 9.0-magnitude (Mw) earthquake occurred off the Sanriku coast in Japan, marking the largest earthquake in Japan’s recorded history. This earthquake resulted in a tsunami that brought damage to many locations, including the coastal areas in the Tohoku region beside the Pacific Ocean. The year 2021 when this article was prepared marks a decade since this unprecedented disaster occurred, taking many casualties with it.
This article is the first in a two-part special feature covering the Sanriku coast, an area that suffered significant damage from the tsunami. Part two looks at the current state of areas that were affected by the disaster.

Special Feature on the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami—Part 1: Disaster Prevention
The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami struck on March 11, 2011. A 9.0-magnitude (Mw) earthquake occurred off the Sanriku coast in Japan, marking the largest earthquake in Japan’s recorded history. This earthquake resulted in a tsunami that brought immense damage to many locations, including the coastal areas in the Tohoku region beside the Pacific Ocean. You may remember the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant that occurred as a result of this earthquake and tsunami.
The year 2021 marks a decade since this unprecedented disaster occurred, taking many casualties with it. This article is the first in a two-part special feature covering the Sanriku coast, an area that suffered significant damage from the tsunami. Part one looks at the lessons that can be learned from the tsunami and earthquake, along with initiatives for improving awareness regarding disaster prevention.

Japan’s Streets Are Safe and Secure Thanks to Koban
Japan is peaceful, and is recognized as one of the safest countries in the world. One factor that helps keep Japan peaceful can be found in the “Koban” located in many areas in the city. The Koban is also called a “police box,” but people around the world are familiar with the Japanese word. This article introduces the role and origins of Koban.

Initiatives for Public Hygiene in Japan
Japan is known to be a country with a strong awareness for hygiene. Customs to wash hands and gargle on a daily basis are particularly widespread, and are carried out actively by a wide range of people in the country—from children to grown-ups.

Gentle and comfortable warm water toilet seat bidets
Toilets are one area that many non-Japanese people praise after visiting Japan. You will often hear people say “I was amazed by the warm water toilet seat bidets. I want one in my house, too” or “I was surprised that the toilet seat was warm.”

Seismic Isolation Technology for Protecting the National Museum of Western Art, a World Heritage Site
Situated in Tokyo’s Ueno Park, the main building of the National Museum of Western Art was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2016 as one part of “The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement.”

The Tokyo 2020 Stadiums: Don't Forget These Stars of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games!
It is almost time for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, where athletes from around the world will strive to unleash their full power in competitive events. We are sure to be moved by their performance as we witness the limitless possibilities that humankind is capable of.

Japan's industrial products, such as luxury cars, food packaging and high-performance films, are taking advantage of biomimetic technology, which uses the extraordinary structures and functions of living organisms.

“Hands-Free Sightseeing” for Relaxed Travel
Warmly welcoming travelers is at the heart of Japanese hospitality. When we see a foreign visitor doing sightseeing with luggage in both hands, we would like to help him or her enjoy the trip in a more relaxed manner.

Various Japanese Cultivation Technologies Help to Overcome Environmental Conditions
New agricultural technologies have been developed in Japan that allow crops to grow even in environments that are hostile to plants, such as cold regions, arid regions and areas where the soil is contaminated. These have been gaining attention both in Japan and abroad as "dream technologies that will revolutionize agriculture across the globe."

To see calories by “invisible rays”: An automatic measuring machine that uses near infrared rays
These days we need to pay attention to our daily diet and ensure balanced nutrition and proper calorific intake in order to live a healthy life.In Japan we have developed measuring instruments that can instantly detect how many calories are in the food we consume daily; instruments that are used predominantly by food manufacturers and research institutes.

Japan’s Monitoring Services – Peace of Mind for Senior Citizens Living Alone
A declining birth rate and an aging population is a serious problem, predominantly in developed countries; and Japan is no exception. In order to respond positively to this aging problem, we need to create a framework for society as a whole.

"Cloned Cultural Properties" - Masterpieces and Famous Paintings that You Can Touch
The technology of dreams has been created; one that allows us to revive cultural assets lost in natural disasters and to directly touch cultural property that is normally stored under strict conditions due to its value.

Changing Lifestyles in Houses of the Future
Life at home changes drastically when you can activate various services simply by where you are standing or by voice command. Such futuristic lives, previously experienced only in movies, will soon be a reality.

Made-in-Japan Synthetic Fibers with Surprising Features
Have you ever worn a shirt that feels cool in summer or underwear that warms you up in winter?Garments made of synthetic fibers feel cool, are absorbent and quick drying or have the function of retaining heat.

Uncompromising Cleaning Techniques, Even Shoes and Bags Washed Whole?!
Laundries are everywhere you look when you walk along the streets of Japan. One reason for their prevalence might be the Japanese seasons.

Dry cell batteries are essential to our lives today. People put them in TV remote controllers, flashlights and other electronic gadgets that are often used without thought in daily life.

Automated multistory parking facilities, which have machines automatically carrying cars to parking spaces, are quite a common sight in Japan.

Many people in Japan suffer from hay fever and can be seen wearing masks when spring arrives. Face masks sold in Japan have an extremely tight weave, so dust and pollen particles cannot pass through them easily.

The 21st century has been lauded as “the era of the environment” as the world faces a host of problems such as global warming, as well as air and water pollution. As a consequence, there is a growing interest in Japan for new technologies that make use of sunlight.

Growth of Convenient Car Sharing
Car sharing, a membership system for the joint use of cars, is growing. The system is proving popular because you can use a car anytime you need one, and try out cars with automatic braking and other uniquely Japanese options that meet a broad spectrum of customer needs.

A Cutting-edge Urban Water Supply Model
In Japan, you can drink delicious tap water safely anytime, anywhere.

Natural Energy that Supports Convenience -
Convenience Stores Open Every Day of the Year
Japanese convenience store companies are now working to make low-cost stores while reducing their impact on the environment by utilizing natural energy.

Excellence in Usability – Stationery Made in Japan
Japanese stationary continue to evolve daily, aiming for the ultimate experience.

LED For Communications Infrastructure
In Japan, high capacity communication and plant factory using LED lighting has reached the stage of practical use.

A Paperless Society
The latest models of electronic paper developed by Japanese manufactures are able to activate company meetings and transform school lectures into on-the-spot workshop in which all students can participate.

Household Beauty Appliances
Japanese manufacturers of household appliances are bringing out new handyelectronic beauty products which allow us to meticulously groom the whole body, including skin, eyes and scalp.

Grow algae & change the world
Attention is focused on initiatives promoted by Japanese companies and research institutes that aim to develop algae as a resource, amid concerns over depleting energy resources such as oil and food crises.

Even Steam is “Mottainai”
In Japan, the technological developments in energy harvesting (environmental generation) that convert the faint energies from heat and vibration occurring in daily life into electricity are in progress.

Leading the world with speed and accuracy
Biometric authentication technology, using vein patterns of the hand or finger, becomes the center of public attention as the most important technology of personal identification among the information protection measures.

High-Tech Demolition Systems for High-Rises
Advanced new high technology has been introduced to demolish high-rise buildings in Japan. High-tech demolition systems feature safety, energy conservation and environmental protection, and even visually beautiful.

World-Class Underground Discharge Channel
A world-class underground discharge channel has been constructed to protect residents from flood by using the very best of Japan's state-of-the-art civil engineering technology on the outskirts of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Hera-shibori : Metal Spinning
Hera-shibori, or metal spinning, is a metal sheet-processing technique requiring exquisite manual work. Permitting higher degrees of precision than those made by state-of-the-art processing machines, it is indispensable for the manufacture of some products such as rocket nose cones and dish antennas.

Water Plaza Kitakyushu
Japan has been doing extensive research on water-recycling and reuse technologies. "Water Plaza Kitakyushu" is one of Japan’s largest facilities aimed dealing with global water problems.

Evolution of Head-Mounted Displays
Head-mounted displays (HMD) have been evolving in Japan. When an HMD is worn like a pair of goggles, it shows spectacular video images right in front of the wearer's eyes. Japanese manufacturers have developed various HMD video entertainment systems with breathtaking 3D images, taking advantage of LCD panels and CG technology in which they excel.

Car Evolution
In Japan, the development of next-generation cars is focusing on safety systems aimed at avoiding a collision itself, utilizing a high-tech evolution in sophisticated automatic braking and driver-warning systems made possible with miniaturized cameras as well as advanced radar and image-processing technologies.

High-Tech Nursing Care
High technology has been employed in nursing care in the aging society of Japan, including automatically controlled beds based on human engineering and nursing care robots, to help care receivers live more comfortably.

House Energy Innovation in Japan
Japan is coming up with innovative housing "with a zero energy bill," counting on natural power, like solar energy and geothermal heat.

Carbon Fibers
Carbon fiber technology, developed in Japan decades ago, has come into the limelight for use in a growing array of lightweight, cutting-edge applications.

The Japanese Bolt
Japanese industrial development has been sustained over the years by small, innovative, hard-working manufacturers. Today, major engineering firms around the world also rely on this advanced expertise.

Winter Life in Japan
From ancient times, many areas of Japan have experienced long, cold winters— climactic conditions that have inspired a whole array of innovative countermeasures to help fight off the incessant chill of the season.

The Latest Japanese Textiles and Knitting
Technological advances in the traditional weaving and knitting industry have revolutionized the creation of modern-day cloth and fabric, helping to generate an array of astonishing new designs, composition and quality.

Gentle Yet Effective
Colds have plagued humankind since time immemorial, and every culture has produced it own traditional remedies. In Japan, people rely on various concoctions of vegetables and herbs—and even sake—to relieve troublesome cold symptoms.

Japan's Science of Odors
When people consider odor, they have few pleasant thoughts. But in Japan today, scientists are conducting advanced research into the amazing benefits of using odor to prevent danger and detect disease.

Japan's small, urban side-street pubs and bars are experiencing a new boom, as young people are flocking to them for camaraderie, conversation and relaxation.

Japanese Fermented Foods
Used from ancient times in Japan, fermented foods provide an abundance of benefits, and it is not just their health and preservation attributes—they have become a core aspect of the subtlety, savoriness and depth of Japanese cuisine.

Instant Phone Translation
Japanese cell phone and smartphone users will soon be able to talk freely with people who don't speak a word of Japanese. The new phones use amazing new technologies to translate spoken conversations in real time. Good bye, language barrier!

Japan's K Supercomputer
Japan's K supercomputer is now the world's fastest, carrying out calculations at over 10 petaflops and opening up many new possibilities for advanced research and simulations.

Green Tea
Around the world, Japanese green tea has been acclaimed as one of the healthiest drinks available, but few people know much about its ancient origins, varieties and popularity throughout present-day Japan.