
Trends in Japan
近年来,随着日本人居家时间的增多,越来越多的人注重通过运动保持健康、强健体魄。虽然我们能看到很多人将健走、健跑作为日常运动,但很多人“无法养成运动习惯”或“不知从何入手”也是不争的事实。 在这样的背景下,“便利店式健身房”最近在日本引起了关注。便利店式健身房指可以随时去锻炼的健身房,正所谓就像去便利店一样轻松方便。为何便利店式健身房在日本爆红?本期就向您介绍它的魅力。
大头贴拍照机是互动式的照片亭,您可以在其中拍照,再将大头贴打印出来,自从这种机器 1995 年第一次在游乐中心亮相以来,一直在青少年中经久不衰。它们还支持添加相框、使用涂鸦功能添加装饰,或者编辑照片本身。这股热潮一直在持续发展,以致于青少年们在一起玩的时候经常会脱口而出“我们去拍大头贴吧!”——这甚至已经成为了一句宣传语。在这篇文章里,我们将深入了解大头贴拍照机为什么如此受欢迎,青少年如何从中寻找乐趣。
"横须贺夹克"是一种由丝光面料制成、绣有典型东亚设计图案的夹克。东京 2020 年奥运会(实际举办于 2021 年)官方品牌的"横须贺夹克"吸引了世界各地人们的关注。许多欧洲时尚品牌也推出借鉴"横须贺夹克"灵感的产品,让喜欢这种服饰的人越来越多。让我们来看看这种服饰的独特魅力。
对小物的欣赏是日本文化的一部分,人们经常会把小物摆放好,近距离欣赏它们的美。日本还有一种深以为傲的传统,即手工制作有着繁复细节的小物。“盆景”(Bonsai) 树享誉全球,被公认为日本文化中世代相传的重要元素,但这种对小物的广泛热爱还有更多的现代表现形式——从体现当代文化和潮流的微缩模型,到潜心研究别具匠心的小物创作的艺术家的涌现。我们来看看随着日本人对手工匠艺的热情渐高,日本微缩模型如何不断发展演变。
不论是大人还是孩子,人人都喜欢游乐园。日本人当然也是这样。日本游乐园的历史可以追溯到 100 多年前,有自己独特的魅力——既有可以领略美景的迷人旅游景点,也有日本特有的鬼屋景点,以及犹如电影般的真人秀表演。每个游乐园都以自己的方式体现着该地区的鲜明个性,是探索日本新面貌的理想去处。
在世界各地,复古时尚与复古单品在 Z 世代(20 世纪 90 年代中期至 21 世纪 10 年代出生的一代人)中掀起一场热潮。这方面的一个例子是 21 世纪初兴起的“Y2K 时尚”复兴。当时流行的鲜艳亮丽的服装、短衬衫和短裙,以及备受欢迎的串珠饰品再次回归时尚前沿。但这种复苏的不寻常之处在于,它同时发生在全球。在这篇文章中,我们将重点来谈谈日本——这种复古美学为什么能触动日本年轻人的心弦?
城市流行乐即 City Pop,是 20 世纪 70 年代中期兴起的一种日本音乐流派,近期,这种音乐流派再度吸引了世界各地人们的关注。部分音乐视频在视频分享网站上的浏览量超过 5000 万次,一首歌曲雄踞一家主要音乐订阅服务的榜单首位长达两个星期之久。为什么城市流行乐突然在世界各地的歌迷之间掀起热潮?
在日本高楼林立的城市中,有许多大型公园可以消闲,但城市区域中近来出现了越来越多的农场。在 2018 年颁布城市农田租赁法案后,屋顶农场和社区花园开始出现在市中心的住宅区。
日本人喜欢金鱼。 或许是因为它们小巧可爱。 或许是因为它们呈现出红、白、金、黑等各种美丽的色彩。 又或许是因为它们是耐养的宠物,无需花费太多功夫即可饲养。 日本人喜欢金鱼有各种理由。
您听说过可以和可爱的动物一起玩耍嬉戏的咖啡馆吗? 在许多常规动物园中,您只能看到笼中或玻璃后面的动物,所以不容易体验到与它们的近距离接触和倾听它们的呼吸。
自古以来,日本各地都会举办叫做“祭”的 节日。这些祭是当地人们的重要活动,这些节日的传统代代相传,至今不衰。许多祭通常以传统为中心,按照历史悠久的习俗和规则举办,同时还会与各地区的历史和惯习相结合。
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Did you know there is masking tape with cute and colorful patterns? Beyond the drab masking tape used by painters in their work, new decorative tape is available from Japan.
How would you like to experience the thrill of being the main character of a video game or novel? You get that thrill in escape game events where you get hands-on in puzzle solving.
Projection mapping has colored buildings and open spaces brilliantly at festivals and events around the world.
Lucky bags are a feature of the beginning of a new year in Japan. A lucky bag is a sealed package containing many goods, with the bag offered for sale at a lower price than the total value of the goods in it. They have been very popular among Japanese people as New Year merchandise.
Cafes are places where people get together to chat, meet for business, or leisurely spend some time alone. Naturally, different countries have different styles of cafes. In Japan, coffee came from the West in the Edo era (1603-1868),
If you visit Japan, you might well see women who are stylishly dressed while enjoying running, mountain climbing, or fishing.
Soft Serve ice cream is sold in numerous unique flavors at tourist sites throughout Japan from northernmost Hokkaido to southernmost Okinawa.
Anison is a word combination of anime (English word for Japanese animation) and song, and is used in Japan as the word for the theme songs and incidental songs used in an animated productions.
If you walk around a town in Japan, you will notice that there are vending machines packed with sense of enjoyment.
With its features that harmonize seamlessly with any dish, the use of Japanese sake is rapidly spreading among famous hotels and long-established restaurants overseas.
A half century after the start of TV animation, the focus will be on the up-and-coming young film creators who will drive the Japanese animation industry.
Japanese favorite Curry-rice aims to break new ground as the "National Dish", mixed with various ingredients.
Michi-no-Eki, rest areas lying along normal roads, are popular spots used by more than 500milion people a year. These spots focus on tourist information and sales of locally produced food, also, many of them are turning into tourist hubs, with hot springs and workshop practice sessions.
One by one, traditional Japanese cake ”Wagashi” sets a seasonal scene. While the skill of wagashi craftsmen has been handed down throughout the ages and is much cherished, wagashi have also risen to provide shining examples of new challenges.
In the spring of 2013, Kabuki-za has been revived with an entire renewal.While significantly leaving the vestiges of the theater in the past, such as the large tiled roof, the theater has been wonderfully modernized with a high rise building linked to the establishment.
Kumamon, a mascot PR character of Kumamoto prefecture in the Kyushu region of Japan, is now "Japan's most popular bear".
In its birthplace of Japan, karaoke is evolving further, with more advanced karaoke machines harnessing web technologies to broaden the scope for fun, including dubbing of anime scenes and singing duets with strangers.
Ekiben (train bento boxes) sold on trains or at stations are packed with the sensitivity, creativity and technology of Japanese people as well as with regional specialties across Japan.
Sento is an easily accessible public bath in Japan, boasting giant bathtubs. Featuring unique architectural designs and styles of public bathing, sento has been passed down to date as the “culture of the general public.”
In Japan, novelty cafes are popular and constantly opening up because of the diverse nature of consumer demand. These include cafes where you can watch cats and rabbits, or where you can enjoy rakugo storytelling or model railways.
Restaurants in Japan often display tasty-looking food in their windows. These food models are replicas, peculiar to Japan, and surprisingly realistic, produced by expert craftsmen with sophisticated techniques.
In Japan, people enjoy hot summer in a cool way with wisdom and ingenuity such as the sound of furin (a tiny wind-bell), watching fireworks or dining on the river.
Akihabara (also known as Akiba for short) is about synonymous with Japanese subculture and hallowed ground for anime and manga comics and character figures. And there are a number of such spots in Japan other than Akiba.
In Japan there are countless manga kissa, or manga cafes, that cater to customers seeking to refresh with a comic book or wanting some downtime.
In capturing the simple details of life, modern anime is finding a new audience.
In Japan these days, young women—always on the leading edge of pop culture—have taken nail art to a new dimension, turning their nails into fascinating, virtual objets d'art.
An ancient historical period of warring Japanese generals has taken the country by storm, inspiring everything from entertainment to tourism. And it's the young women who have been fueling this boom!
Video sharing sites are enabling new ways of communicating with others and creating a unique media experience online.
©Magica Quartet/Aniplex, Madoka Partners, MBS
Giving young women a chance to see themselves pictured with ideal cuteness and beauty, purikura photo booths are now offering even more options as they continue to evolve.
Knitting, embroidery, cord braiding and other such crafts are reworking fashion, café culture and contemporary art.
Japan has long led the world in cutting-edge advances in mobile phone technology and features—some of which are just beginning to appear in other advanced nations.
From its simple origins, ramen has undergone a spectacular evolution to give a stunning variety to be savored today.
Today, growing numbers of anime and manga feature specific locations and real buildings in detail, making them popular pilgrimage spots for fans.
The personification phenomenon has entered the mainstream of Japanese culture. Cute, humanlike characters have become a vital part of popular culture and a key element in corporate and government public relations.
What has enabled Japan to produce one high-quality manga hit after another? We take a look behind the scenes at some of the factors that have made Japanese manga such a phenomenon around the world.