Judo Game
Welcome to our virtual judo game!
Here you can enjoy a game based on bouts of judo.
Use five techniques to battle it out in this judo game.
Note: We've made this game based on moves and techniques used in real-life judo matches.
This game makes sounds, so please be careful of your volume settings.
Recommended Browsers
Android: Latest version of Chrome
iOS: Latest version of Mobile Safari/Chrome
Windows: Latest version of Chrome/Firefox
macOS: Latest version of Chrome/Safari/Firefox
Some features of this game may not run properly on devices or browsers not listed above.
Screen Explanation
You control the fighter wearing the white judogi.
Your opponent wearing the blue judogi is computer-controlled.
This is displayed on the top-left of the screen and shows the amount of time remaining.
The current game level is displayed in the bottom-left of the screen.
There are three levels in total (opening round, semi final and final).
Waza Buttons
Waza buttons showing the names of different techniques will flash up around your opponent. Click them (on a PC) or tap them (on a smartphone/tablet) at the right time to attempt the technique.
Flashes Green: Attempt the technique.
Flashes Blue: Achieve a wazaari.
Flashes White: Achieve an ippon.
Flashes Red: Your opponent receives a waza point.
Five techniques can be used in this game (seoi-nage, o-soto-gari, uchi-mata, tomoe-nage, and harai-goshi).
This shows the points awarded to you and the opponent (number of techniques attempted and number of wazaari and ippon achieved).
Waza: When you press a flashing green waza button at the right time, a black circle is added.
Wazaari: Once you have gained five black circles in the waza section, and/or you click/tap a flashing blue waza button at the right time, a black circle is added.
Ippon: Once you have gained two black circles in the wazaari section, and/or you click/tap a flashing white waza button at the right time, a black circle is added.
Opponent Scoreboard: If you accidentally click/tap a flashing red waza button, a black circle is added.
RETRY Button
This is displayed when a round ends if you lose. Click/tap it to replay the same match.
NEXT Button
This is displayed when a round ends if you win. Click/tap it to go to the next level.
END Button
This is displayed when a round ends. Click/tap it to quit the game.
Facebook Share Button
This is displayed when the final round is cleared. Click/tap it to post a link to this judo game on Facebook.
Twitter Share Button
This is displayed when the final round is cleared. Click/tap it to post a link to this judo game on Twitter.
How to Play
- Click/tap START to go to the start screen of the opening round.
- The screen of the opening round will appear and the game will start when you hear a whistle. Each round lasts for 60 seconds.
- Buttons showing the names of different techniques will flash up around your opponent. Click/tap these at the right time to attempt the technique. If you successfully click/tap five times, you get a wazaari. If you repeat this five more times you get another wazaari, giving you an ippon.
- If you can click/tap a flashing blue waza button, you get a wazaari. If you can click/tap a flashing white button, you you get an ippon.
- If you click/tap a red button five times, your opponent gets a wazaari. If you click/tap a red button five more times, your opponent gets an ippon.
- If you win the match, you can move on to the next level. If you lose, you'll have to try again.
How to Win
If you get an ippon or two wazaari, you win the round.
If you fail to get an ippon or two wazaari before the time runs out, or if your opponent gets an ippon, you lose.