Origami Butterfly, Sailboat and Windmill

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Note: These three origami shapes follow the same folding method from Steps 1 to 8.
1. Make diagonal creases that will intersect, then unfold.

2. After turning it over, fold in the four corners along the dotted lines so that they meet at the center.

3. Once more, turning it over and fold in the four corners to meet at the center.

4. Open the entire paper all at once and fold the top and bottom along the dotted lines so that they meet at the center.

5. Next, fold the left and right sides so that they meet at the center.

6. Turn the figure 90 degrees.

7. On the top and bottom, pull out and fold down the corners on the second flaps so that they will be pulled to the left and right respectively.

8. This is the basic shape you want to aim for.