Origami Jumping Frog

The instructions make use of special symbols. If you don't understand a symbol, click on the "Help" button.
1. Fold in half horizontally.

2. Fold the top corners on the left and right sides to make triangular shapes and leave creases, then unfold.

3. After turning it over, fold backward along the dotted line so that the top section is divided in half, then unfold.

4. Turn it over again and fold the paper into a triangle.

5. Fold both sides of the triangle along the dotted lines in the direction of the arrows, and fold the bottom section along the dotted line.

6. Fold in from the left and right so that both sides meet at the center.

7. Fold along the dotted line to make a crease, then unfold.

8. While pulling to both sides, open the paper and flatten it down.

9. Fold along the dotted lines in the direction of the arrows.

10. Fold to the left and right.

11. Fold up along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow, then fold down to form a zigzag.

12. Flip over and your frog is ready to jump!

How to Play
Press its back and release it by pulling your finger towards you to make it hop!