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3-D Puzzles 2 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part2 What's Cool 3-D Puzzles search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > 3-D Puzzles 2 What's Cool image (C)MegaHouse Corporation To play, first rotate t

3-D Puzzles 3 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part3 What's Cool 3-D Puzzles search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > 3-D Puzzles 3 What's Cool image (C)GENTOSHA EDUCATION inc. How can the cube be r

3-D Puzzles 1 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part1 What's Cool 3-D Puzzles search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > 3-D Puzzles 1 What's Cool image (C)MegaHouse Corporation Have you ever played wi

Be a Movie Star with CG 3 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part3 What's Cool Be a Movie Star with CG search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Be a Movie Star with CG 3 What's Cool At the end of March 2009, an u

Be a Movie Star with CG 1 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part1 What's Cool Be a Movie Star with CG search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Be a Movie Star with CG 1 What's Cool image image Imagine flying thr

Broadening The Led Color Spectrum | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Kyoto University and Nichia Corp., which is known for its light-emitting diodes, announced in January 2008 that they had successfully developed a revolutionary LED capable of emitting a variety of colors of light, including white and intermediate colors.

A Model for Future Spacecraft - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech A Model for Future Spacecraft Did you know there's a plan to launch origami planes to Earth from the International Space Station? Assuming the paper planes retur

Soap-water Fire-extinguisher - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech Soap-water Fire-extinguisher Benefits of using soap water search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Hi-tech > Soap-water Fire-extinguisher Hi-tech This is fla

Surfing In The Rain | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Gray, rainy days may be about to get more colorful thanks to a new umbrella invented by Japanese researchers. The Internet Umbrella, conceived by a team at Keio University, acts as a photo browser by displaying images from the Internet as the user walks along.

Music That Comes When You Call | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
There is now a robot that will come over to you and play music with just the push of a button on a remote control.

Ergonomic Excellence | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A growing number of companies are putting ergonomics front and center when designing and developing such things as car and airplane seats.

Earthquake Early-Warning System | Lifestyle | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
In Japan there is now a working early-warning system that can detect an earthquake immediately after it takes place and inform people that the ground is about to start shaking. This groundbreaking Japanese system has been widely publicized on TV and in other media since October, and many Japanese have high hopes for the system.

Links - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
What cool and entertaining Web sites are kids in Japan tuned into? Here's a list of links to some of the most popular and informative sites.

The Educational Experience - Links - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
What cool and entertaining Web sites are kids in Japan tuned into? Here's a list of links to some of the most popular and informative sites.

Museums - Links - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
What cool and entertaining Web sites are kids in Japan tuned into? Here's a list of links to some of the most popular and informative sites.

Science - Links - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
What cool and entertaining Web sites are kids in Japan tuned into? Here's a list of links to some of the most popular and informative sites.

Animals and Plants - Links - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
What cool and entertaining Web sites are kids in Japan tuned into? Here's a list of links to some of the most popular and informative sites.

Wearable TV - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This is a kind of TV that you can take with you anywhere. It fits on your head like pair of glasses, and by connecting it with a DVD player or other device you can watch what you want whenever and wherever you want.

Forecasting Tsunamis - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Did you know that tsunami is a Japanese word? The tsu of tsunami means "harbor," and nami means "wave." So tsunami refers to a large wave that strikes places like harbors. Japan has been hit by many tsunamis through the ages, and that is why Japanese has a special word for these waves. This article introduces the efforts to predict tsunamis and prevent disasters.

Neurosurgery Scissors - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Find out about the scissors that make pioneering brain surgery possible. These scissors can do everything that ordinary surgical scissors can do (such as cutting tissue and blood vessels, opening up parts of the body affected by illness, and cutting surgical thread).But a pair of Muramasa scissors also enables a surgeon to increase blood flow in a patient�s brain.

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