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Hot Springs in the City hot springs (©JNTO) Japan's islands are the site of numerous volcanoes. The pressure and heat lying just below the earth's surface result in spectacular and dangerous er
1. Getting Clean Cheaply sento The entrance to a sento (©PANA) A common sight around Tokyo is the sento, a public bath hall that lets people soak for a relatively low price - usually under 500
3. A Healthy Habit, but Mind Your Manners Roten-buro An up-market onsen from which bathers can see outside (©JNTO) A long soak in a sento, or any kind of onsen, provides more than just hot wate
4. A Guide to Tokyo Bathing Azabu Juban Onsen People relax in an onsen "leisure facility." (©PANA) If you're in Tokyo and you want to give the sento experience a try, there are a number of plac
Metro Network JR East Railway Lines National Diet Tokyo Waterworks Science Museum Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse Dome Fukugawa Edo Museum Transportation Museum National Mu
Kaiseki cuisine,a multi-course feast of traditional Japanese dishes. Kaiseki cuisine,a multi-course feast of traditional Japanese dishes. (©JNTO) Japan's history of dining out is said to have o
Port of Yokohama Port of Yokohama (©JNTO) Chinatown in Yokohama One of the five gates to Chinatown (©Yokohama Chinatown Development Association) Motomachi dori Motomach-dori (©Motomac
Fujiya Hotel A prestigious inn in Hakone (©Fujiya Hotel) A little less than two hours southwest of central Tokyo by express train lies Hakone, a town known throughout Japan for its fabulous hot
STREAMING VIDEO Virtual Tour of the Tokyo Bay Area The Tokyo Bay Area including Shinagawa, Shiodome, and Odaiba is one of the hottest places in Tokyo.It has recently seen a number of exciting redeve
daihachiguruma enlarged picture This photo was taken at Shirobe landing around 1870. It shows four of the large wagons known as daihachiguruma. The waterway in the background is the Imperial Palace
By Yukiko Hashimoto Curator, Edo-Tokyo Museum Japan pursued a policy of seclusion during the Edo period (1603-1868), and some people may be under the impression that the nation was entirely cut off
British Embassy The British Embassy (©British Embassy) Chidorigafuchi Chidorigafuchi moat with cherry trees in full bloom (©JNTO) The Ministry of Justice The Ministry of Justice (©Min
1) Population of Capital Cities figure 1 Source: Figure for Tokyo is an estimate as of May 1, 2003 from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government; other figures are taken from the Ministry of Public Managem
Central Tokyo is undergoing a major transformation. Until recently the city has tended to expand outwards, stretching further and further into surrounding areas, but now this trend is reversing as a
Maru Building Marunouchi Building (©Mitsubishi Estate Co, LTD.) In the 1980s and early 1990s the focus of urban redevelopment projects was on peripheral areas of Tokyo, raising fears that the c
Le Japon � toute vapeur : NIPPONIA No. 43
Un train au coeur de la nuit : Les wagons-lits de luxe du Cassiopeia Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 43 > French > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 43 15 d�cembre 2007 TOP Reportage sp�
Le Japon � toute vapeur : NIPPONIA No. 43
Les trains � grande vitesse japonais, en constante �volution Tokaido/San’yo Shinkansen S�rie N700 Nozomi Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 43 > French > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No
Travel Japan by Train : NIPPONIA No. 43
Riding the Rails Through the Night: The Luxury Sleeper Express Cassiopeia Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 43 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 43 December 15, 2007 TOP Special Feature
Travel Japan by Train : NIPPONIA No. 43
Japan’s Bullet Trains Keep Evolving Tokaido/San’yo Shinkansen: Series N700 Nozomi rolling stock Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 43 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 43 Decembe
Les pros de l’accueil : NIPPONIA No. 39
Les pros de l’accueil R�gle num�ro un de l’hospitalit� : �tre en forme Un sourire amical et une r�elle consid�ration pour autrui Okada Ikuko, guide touristique Shimizu Rieko, h�tesse de s
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