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Osaka: Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki - Local Specialities - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Local Specialities Osaka: Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Local Specialities > Osaka: Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki Local Specialities Osaka

Snowball Fights - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids who live in cold places have always enjoyed making snowballs and having snowball fights (yuki-gassen in Japanese). Recently, rules for snowball fighting have been drawn up, and people are having snowball fights as a kind of team sport. In this sport, players throw snowballs at their opponents and try to capture their flag.

Arashi no Yoru ni - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
The animated movie Arashi no Yoru ni (Stormy Night), released at the start of 2006, portrays the budding friendship between May the wolf and Gav the goat. Many of the estimated 1.5 million people who have seen the move in Japan are children. A lot of these kids read the illustrated book on which the film is based before going to see the movie.

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Hirakawachi Itchome - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Two brothers who attend middle school in Sado, an 855-square-kilometer island in the Sea of Japan belonging to Niigata Prefecture, have won the hearts of young people across Japan. Hayashi Ryunosuke, 15, and Naojiro, 13, together form a folk duo called Hirakawachi Itchome. Ryunosuke writes the songs and Naojiro sings them. They only made their professional debut in November 2003, but their first CD single, "Tokyo," has already sold more than 50,000 copies.

School - Kojimachi Middle School - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Archives > Life School: Kojimachi > School About the School Kojimachi Middle School is a public school located in Chiyoda Ward, a district in central Tokyo. This school

Seaside - Kojimachi Middle School - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Archives > Life School: Kojimachi > Seaside Hota Seaside School Kojimachi Middle School operates the Hota Seaside School for seventh-grade students at the end of July ea

Outdoors - Kojimachi Middle School - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Archives > Life School: Kojimachi > Outdoors Experiencing the great outdoors Karuizawa, a resort town located about 150 kilometers northwest of Tokyo in mountainous Naga

Hiroaki Kenmoku - Meikei High School - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Archives > Life School: Meikei > Features Hiroaki All eleventh graders undertake an individual research project. Each student chooses an area of interest, takes a year t

Everest - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A Japanese alpinist-adventurer who became the youngest in the world to stand atop the highest peaks in the seven continents by scaling Mount Everest at the age of 25 in May 1999 returned to the world's tallest mountain a year later to clean up garbage left by his peers over the years.

Instruments - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Koto, shamisen, shakuhachi (bamboo flute), wadaiko (Japanese drum), fue (another kind of flute), hichiriki (bamboo oboe). . . all of these are very old Japanese musical instruments with a history of more than 1,000 years. Even many adults probably don't know what they are. But beginning in April 2002, National Curriculum Standards will require all students in Japan to study how to play at least one of these traditional instruments throughout their three years of music classes in middle school.

Haiku - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
It's a sunny March morning, and the kids are in a Japanese-style garden, looking for signs of spring. The willow bends to a gentle breeze that carries a faint scent of daphne, while carp lie still at the bottom of the pond. A girl opens her hand to reveal a piece of tosamizuki - tiny yellow flowers that grow into a conical cluster. "I've already got an idea for a verse," she says happily.

Train - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A new type of Shinkansen (bullet train) that can travel at 300 kilometers (186 miles) per hour will begin carrying passengers on the Sanyo Line connecting Osaka and Hakata in Kyushu in March.

Comet - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
The International Astronomical Union named a newly discovered comet after a Japanese amateur astronomer in early February. The discoverer is the tenth Japanese to receive this honor.

KIDS WEB JAPAN: Explorons le Japon: Les régions du Japon: Osaka
OSAKA Osaka (Osaka City) Depuis sa fondation au VIIème siècle, Osaka est le carrefour du commerce avec l'étranger. C'est la deuxième grande métropole du Japon, jus

KIDS WEB JAPAN: Japan Erforschen: Regionen Japans: Osaka
OSAKA Osaka (Stadt Osaka) Seit der Gründung im 7. Jahrhundert war Osaka ein Zentrum des Handels mit dem Ausland. Der Großraum Osaka ist nach Tokyo die zweitgrößte Metropole Jap

Dialogue, Say It Out Loud - Lesson 4 - Language - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Language Lesson 4: Where Did You Come from? Dialogue, Say It Out Loud Dialogue Say It Out Loud search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Language > Lesson 4 > Dialogue,

Students - Komei School - Meet the Kids - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Meet the Kids Komei School for the Physically Handicapped The Students Speak search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Meet the Kids > Komei > Students Meet the Kids photo

Men in the Teahouse | Lifestyle | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Men in the Teahouse Related Articles This site uses JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings. Go to the main text. Text: small normal large Search search Home

Conservative Makes a Comeback | Fashion | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Conservative Makes a Comeback Related Articles This site uses JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings. Go to the main text. Text: small normal large Search se

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