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Lesson 4: Where Did You Come from?

Dialogue, Say It Out Loud


Point to a phrase to hear how it's pronounced.

How do you do?
I am Lucy Kent.
I understand a little Japanese.
I came from Canada.
(New sentence)

Say It Out Loud

A :
Kinoo aisukuriimu o tabemashita ka.
Did you eat ice cream yesterday?
B :
(tabemasen deshita.)
No, I didn't.
A :
Nani o tabemashita ka.
What did you eat?
B :
Hanbaagaa o tabemashita.
I ate a hamburger.
A :
Kinoo miruku o nomimashita ka.
Did you drink milk yesterday?
B :

Iie, (nomimasen deshita.)
orenjijuusu o nomimashita.
No, I didn't. I drank orange juice.
A :
Ashita Lucy wa nani o shimasu ka.
What will Lucy do tomorrow?
B :
Tenisu o shimasu.
Lucy will play tennis.
A :
Lucy wa doko kara kimashita ka.
Where did Lucy come from?
B :
Kanada kara kimashita.
Lucy came from Canada.
A :
Kenta wa ashita doko e ikimasu ka.
Where will Kenta go tomorrow?
B :
Tookyoo e ikimasu.
Kenta will go to Tokyo.
A :
Kinoo nani o shimashita ka.
What did you do yesterday?
B :
Hon o yomimashita.
I read a book.
Hon o yomimashitaKinoo nani o shimashita ka