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Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Language > Lesson 4 > Vocabulary


Lesson 4: Where Did You Come from?



tabemasu eat
nomimasu drink
kikimasu listen
mimasu watch
yomimasu read
shimasu do
kimasu come
ikimasu go
doko where
kara from
e to
o [action marker]
hon book
ongaku music
ashita tomorrow
kyoo today
kinoo yesterday
aisukuriimu ice cream
hanbaagaa hamburger
miruku milk
orenjijuusu orange juice
tenisu tennis
kanada Canada
tookyoo Tokyo

Note: The line () used in words written in katakana indicates a longer sound, like the one you can hear at the end of arigato (thank you). Make sure to stretch out the vowels in aisukurimu and hanbaga!