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Seaside School

Kojimachi Middle School operates the Hota Seaside School for seventh-grade students at the end of July each year. Hota, located on the Boso Peninsula about two hours from Tokyo by bus, has beautiful sandy beaches. Not only Kojimachi Middle School but also other elementary and middle schools in Chiyoda Ward conduct their seaside school programs here every year.

The students do exercises before hitting the waves. On your mark, get set, go! Will everyone make it to the finish line?

The main item on the Hota Seaside School program is long-distance swimming. This has been held for over 30 years, and some alumni still talk about how exhausting this was. The students have to swim for an hour; those who can't swim on their own are equipped with life preservers. There's plenty of fun to be had as well. The students observe the animal and plant life along the seashore, and at night, they get to set off fireworks.

In the evening, students enjoy fireworks together. Observing wildlife at the seashore. What kinds of creatures will they find?