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Pants - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Girls play with dolls and boys play with cars. Girls wear red and boys wear blue. Girls wear skirts and boys wear pants. In the past, when women and men stuck to clearly separate roles in society, these patterns were considered normal. But as more and more women work outside the home, stereotypes like these have begun to fade.

Words - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
The Shingo Ryukogo Taisho (New and Fashionable Phrases Awards) were announced in December 2003, and the top ten words and phrases representing the trends of the year 2003 were named. Furthermore, every year a number of words and phrases that enjoyed particularly widespread currency are selected from among the top ten as winners of the annual grand prize. There were three winners this year: "nande daro," "doku manju," and "manifesto."

O-toshidama - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japanese kids receive special envelopes containing money at New Year. This article explains the custom of o-toshidama.

Parents - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A poll of fourth to ninth graders in Japan showed that a majority of kids regard their fathers as being "hardworking" and their mothers as "kind." More than half also said that mom usually tells them to study harder, and a large number said that dad encourages them to be more self-reliant.

Grownups - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
What do kids in Japan want to be when they grow up? According to a poll carried out recently by a Japanese life insurance company, the most popular choice for boys was "baseball player," while the top pick for girls was "restaurant owner."

Learning Outside School 3 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A lot of kids in Japan take lessons outside of their regular school classes. Learning to play the piano, swim, do ballet, speak English, and write Japanese calligraphy are among the most popular after-school activities. Recently though, some classes teaching less conventional skills have also appeared.

Bath Salts for Kids 2 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Bath salts shaped like some of children's favorite foods have won Japanese children's hearts recently. There are even bath salts that let kids make their bath into a make-believe bakery or cake shop!

Bath Salts for Kids 3 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Bath salts shaped like some of children's favorite foods have won Japanese children's hearts recently. There are even bath salts that let kids make their bath into a make-believe bakery or cake shop!

Bath Salts for Kids 1 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Bath salts shaped like some of children's favorite foods have won Japanese children's hearts recently. There are even bath salts that let kids make their bath into a make-believe bakery or cake shop!

Learning Outside School 2 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A lot of kids in Japan take lessons outside of their regular school classes. Learning to play the piano, swim, do ballet, speak English, and write Japanese calligraphy are among the most popular after-school activities. Recently though, some classes teaching less conventional skills have also appeared.

Learning Outside School 1 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A lot of kids in Japan take lessons outside of their regular school classes. Learning to play the piano, swim, do ballet, speak English, and write Japanese calligraphy are among the most popular after-school activities. Recently though, some classes teaching less conventional skills have also appeared.

Personalized Photo Sticker Machines 3 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part3 What's Cool Personalized Photo Sticker Machines search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Personalized Photo Sticker Machines 3 What's Cool image

Personalized Photo Sticker Machines 2 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part2 What's Cool Personalized Photo Sticker Machines search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Personalized Photo Sticker Machines 2 What's Cool image

Personalized Photo Sticker Machines 1 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part1 What's Cool Personalized Photo Sticker Machines search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Personalized Photo Sticker Machines 1 What's Cool image

Step Back In Time - Games - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Look at the pictures of modern Japan and find the things that are strange. You have one minute to find all the mistakes.

Convenience stores evolved in new ways in Japan, making the "conbini" somewhat different from its American counterpart. In this Nipponia feature, read about its unique development, take a tour inside, and see how it has become a ubiquitous part of daily life in Japan.

Canned Hot Drinks - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This article traces the history of hot canned drinks like coffee and green tea, which are popular in Japan and may soon become a common sight all over the world.

Spot the Mistakes - Games - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Look at the pictures of modern Japan and find the things that are strange. You have one minute to find all the mistakes.

Cosmetics Made from Food | Fashion | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Asymmetrical design, or clothes in which one side is not the same as the other, is currently one of the more conspicuous trends in Japanese fashion.

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