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Learning Outside School



(C)ABC Cooking Studio

Cooking classes for kids have also become popular. A chain of cooking schools called Abc Kids was launched to teach kids aged 12 and under the importance of healthy eating and the joy of cooking. But students at this school don't just learn how to cook; they pick up lots of other knowledge that will help them to stay mentally and physically fit, as well as having fun. For example, they learn the nutritional benefits of vegetables such as bell peppers. The theme of each class is based on seasonal cuisine. February's theme was shellfish, so the kids learned to make such foods as a soup made by boiling clams in konbu seaweed stock. This dish is traditionally eaten on the day of Hinamatsuri (the Doll Festival), a day in spring on which people wish for the growth and happiness of girls. In March, the classes will focus on foods like bamboo shoots and asparagus.