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Steam Ovens | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A revolutionary type of oven that uses steam to bake food has injected new life into the market for cooking appliances, which was generally thought to have passed its peak.
On Location | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A new breed of tourist is beginning to attract the attention of tour operators and of localities where movies have been filmed. The main objective of these visitors is not to see famous landmarks or to go shopping but to visit the settings of popular movies and TV series.
Keiretsu Comeback | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Keiretsu (corporate conglomerates) have been condemned by European and American auto makers for their opaque business practices and high costs but today keiretsu are being reevaluated as a way to achieve business success.
Manufacturing Success | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The lean economic times of the 1990s caused many of Japan's biggest manufacturers to downsize and move their production bases overseas. Yet now that the gloom has lifted, it is clear that many Japanese manufacturers have not only survived the lean years but have emerged stronger and more profitable than ever.
Acting Local | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
In Japan, there's no such thing as a typical film festival. A rapidly increasing number are being held in provincial areas throughout the country.
Japan's Super Egg Machine 1 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
In Japan, lots of people like to eat a raw egg with breakfast. Advanced machines are used to make sure that the eggs are safe to eat. The latest machines can process up to 33 eggs in just one second!
Japan's Super Egg Machine 2 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
In Japan, lots of people like to eat a raw egg with breakfast. Advanced machines are used to make sure that the eggs are safe to eat. The latest machines can process up to 33 eggs in just one second!
Advanced Robots - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Robots fall into two broad categories. The first type is industrial robots, which are equipped with great strength and special skills. These robots build things and perform tasks that help factories run smoothly. Robots that build cars in automobile factories are a well-known example. The second type of robots help us in our everyday lives. Robots of this type are being used widely in Japan these days, helping people out in many areas--in hospitals and clinics, at home, and in schools.
Poll - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Carpentry was the most popular future occupation for Japanese boys, while running a restaurant was the favorite choice for girls, a recent survey found. The poll, conducted in the summer of 1998 by Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Co., asked 720 children attending kindergarten or elementary school in Japan what they hoped to become when they grow up.
Factory Tours 2 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part2 What's Cool Factory Tours search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Factory Tours 2 What's Cool Factory Tours (C) Nissan Motor Co. Factory tours a
Factory Tours 3 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part3 What's Cool Factory Tours search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Factory Tours 3 What's Cool Once the tour is finished, participants can taste
Factory Tours 1 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan part1 What's Cool Factory Tours search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > What's Cool > Factory Tours 1 What's Cool Factory Tours (C) Kikkoman Corporation Our daily l
Super Competition | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Even though the 2005 Word Exposition in Aichi, Japan, has shut its gates, many of its exhibits and structures will continue to live on, thanks to extensive recycling efforts in line with the event's goal of environmental sustainability.
Toyota Develops Eco-Friendly Shrub | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Toyota Motor Corp., Japan's largest car manufacturer, has developed a new type of cherry sage shrub that can absorb airborne pollutants much more effectively than existing varieties.
New Banknotes Combat Forgery | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
For the first time in 20 years, Japan rolled out a newly designed set of banknotes in November 2004.
Olympic Windfall | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japanese athletes brought home a record haul of medals from the 2004 Athens Olympics, and thanks to their efforts the Japanese economy has also struck an unexpectedly large pot of gold.
In with the New | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Some of the long-running models that Japanese automakers first introduced in the 1950s and 1960s have reached the end of the road, and carmakers are replacing them with new models.
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