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Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japan is synonymous with groundbreaking inventions and scientific breakthroughs. From trains to robotics to fabrics to the increasingly important field of environmental technology, Japan leads the world. Be the first to discover the future of science and technology.

Expo 2005 Feature 5 | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
From March 25 to September 25, 2005, the 2005 World Exposition is taking place in the eastern hills of Nagoya, which is located in the center of Japan in Aichi Prefecture. A total of 30 countries in Africa will hold their exhibits in Global Common Five, where they will be joined by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, which will hold exhibits at the NEDO Pavilion.

A Shopping Revolution | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Some convenience stores, supermarkets, and other retailers are attaching integrated circuit tags to their merchandise. The use of this technology not only enhances convenience for the consumer but also boosts efficiency for retailers.

Battery-Powered Plane | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A propeller aircraft took to the air while powered by nothing more than commercial dry-cell batteries this past July. The flight was the fruit of a joint project by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. and undergraduates at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Fish-Farming Breakthrough | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The technology of fish farming, a practice that offers advantages in terms of food safety and conservation, is advancing rapidly.

See-Through Stadium | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
When the opening match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup gets underway in Germany, Japanese technology will help fans enjoy the action on the pitch. The Allianz Arena is constructed from panels containing a fluoropolymer film called ETFE foil, which was developed and manufactured by Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.

Steam Ovens | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A revolutionary type of oven that uses steam to bake food has injected new life into the market for cooking appliances, which was generally thought to have passed its peak.

Japan Atlas: Advanced Technology
No Frame Version

The Final Frontier | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The business of space travel and technology has long been in the hands of a small number of large corporations. Yet in recent years, a growing number of small and medium-sized companies have entered the industry.

The Changing Face of the Japanese Office | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
More and more businesses, particularly in the information technology sector, have been transforming their offices by eliminating fixed seating arrangements and allowing their employees to work from outside the company.

Now Where Was That Movie? | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Makers of HDD/DVD recorders and PCs continue to compete over how many hours of recorded video can be stored on their products. In response to feedback from users, NEC has developed what it claims is an unprecedented system that makes searching for specific content much easier and faster.

Super Competition | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A project led by the Japanese government aimed at developing the world's fastest next-generation, high-performance supercomputer is about to get underway. The move is likely to intensify competition among supercomputer builders around the world.

Come See the Future | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japan's science museums are attracting attention around Asia. The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, located in Tokyo's Koto City, has become a destination for school trips for students from China and other countries.

A Shopping Revolution | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Some convenience stores, supermarkets, and other retailers are attaching integrated circuit tags to their merchandise. The use of this technology not only enhances convenience for the consumer but also boosts efficiency for retailers.

Roses Are Blue | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
It was announced on June 30 that Suntory and an Australian company, Florigene, had pulled off the feat of genetically engineering the world's first blue rose, something that had long been considered the holy grail of horticulturalists.

Japanese products are setting global standards, at times in some surprising fields. Some of the world's strongest, biggest or smallest products can also be found in Japan. Read this Nipponia feature to discover more in this journey to the land of technology.

Early Warning | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Recent technological advances mean that it may now be possible to warn people of an earthquake before the most destructive tremors strike.

Painless Injections | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Though injections are vital for preventing and treating diseases, they are almost universally disliked. The fear of injections, however, may soon be a thing of the past. In July 2005, a painless needle went on sale to hospitals and other medical facilities.

Battery Breakthrough | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
NEC recently announced the development of an ultra-thin, flexible, rechargeable battery. A mere 0.3 mm thick, this wafer-thin battery holds great promise for wearable computers and other applications.

A New Kind of “Dry” Cleaning | Science and Technology | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Sanyo Electric Co. has developed a household washing machine like no other: It can use air to wash clothes.

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