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Dialogue, Say It Out Loud - Lesson 6 - Language - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Language Lesson 6: What Do You Like? Dialogue, Say It Out Loud Dialogue Say It Out Loud search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Language > Lesson 6 > Dialogue, Say It
Dialogue, Say It Out Loud - Lesson 7 - Language - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Language Lesson 7: Is This an Interesting Book? Dialogue, Say It Out Loud Say It Out Loud search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Language > Lesson 7 > Dialogue, Say
Review, Dialogue - Lesson 8 - Language - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Language Lesson 8: Introducing My Family Review, Dialogue Review search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Language > Lesson 8 > Review, Dialogue Language Review In Les
Students - Komei School - Meet the Kids - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Meet the Kids Komei School for the Physically Handicapped The Students Speak search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Meet the Kids > Komei > Students Meet the Kids photo
People 2003-2004 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives SØren M. Chr. Bisgaard Jeanie Fuji Alexander Bennett Jack T. Moyer Ahn Jung-Hwan Sarah Marie Cummings This site uses JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your brow
Fashion 2005-2006 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives A Winter's Yarn Goodbye To Pointy Toes Classy Coats Style Below the Knee Riding the Avant-Garde Wave Big Is Beautiful Girls Want Curls Showing Some Skin Straw Bags Go Upmarke
Vocabulary - Lesson 6 - Language - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Language Lesson 6: What Do You Like? Vocabulary Vocabulary search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Language > Lesson 6 > Vocabulary Language Vocabulary to and sakka
More and More Kids Learn Traditional Arts - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This article introduces some of the growing number of Japanese children who have taken up traditional arts, including noh and the tea ceremony.
Drawing the Ideal School - Kids in Action - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
How do children in Africa live, and what kind of schools do they wish for? "The Ideal School As Drawn by African and Japanese Children" is an art exhibition that provides rare insight into the thoughts of children from African countries.
Talk in Pictures - Kids in Action - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A groundbreaking experiment was conducted between Tokyo and Seoul on November 20, designated as Universal Children's Day by the United Nations. In the experiment, kids from Japan and South Korea "talked" to each other using pictographs (pictures used to convey words and ideas).
Events - Kanagawa University High School - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Archives > Life School: Kanagawa > Events The theme of the 1999 Camphor Festival, named after the large tree growing on the school grounds, was "The Egg"--breaking out o
Middle School - Otaki Elementary and Middle School - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Archives > Life > School: Otaki > Inside: Middle school Classes at Otaki Elementary School begin at 8:55 a.m., but once a week pupils come much earlier to weed the schoo
Volcano - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Mount Usu in Hokkaido--northernmost of Japan's four main islands--is still sending up columns of white and gray smoke after the first eruption in 23 years on March 31. Children in the affected areas greeted the new school year, which began in April, in community centers and other public shelters.
Survey - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
If you were a Japanese kid, what would you have done last weekend? Well, you probably would have spent some time playing games on your Sony PlayStation or Nintendo Game Boy. Maybe you would have watched some television, too. You might also have called your friends on your cell phone to get together and have some fun.
Hayanari - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Formula One, or F1, is the top motor racing series in the world. It's very popular in Japan, as are all the levels of Formula racing below it. Hayanari Shimoda, a 16-year-old high school student from Tokyo, took a big step up the racing ladder when he made his Formula Renault debut at Vallelunga Race Track in Italy (about 30 kilometers north of Rome) on Sunday, April 22. Juggling academics with a racing career isn't easy, but Hayanari is doing his best to keep up with his school work--even while he competes in races around the world.
Mud - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
If somebody said to you "We have a sports ground on the sea," what image would come to mind? Well, at low tide on the shores of the Ariake Sea in Saga Prefecture, on Japan's southern island of Kyushu, there is a vast area of mud that serves as a rather special kind of sports ground. This muddy "sports ground" is enjoyed by local residents and visitors, including students from nearby schools. The Ariake Sea has created a unique environment here, including some unusual marine life.
Barrier Free - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
In May, the month before the World Cup, kids from Kobe City's Nagata Junior High School went and used the bathrooms in train stations in and around Kobe - taking along wheelchairs and notebooks. That's because they were on a mission to find out how "barrier-free" the stations are.
Sailing - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
The 2002 Asian Games in Busan, South Korea, which came to a close on October 14, were described by the Japanese delegation leader as "the toughest games ever." But two middle-school kids still managed to win gold and silver medals for Japan.
Qrio - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
More than 80 years ago, Czech writer Karel Capek first created the word "robot" in his Science Fiction novel R.U.R. Since then, much progress has been made in developing the kind of humanoid robots that Capek envisaged. The latest news is that robots can now "run."
Robot - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
At the Emerging Technology Fair recently held in Tokyo as part of the Future Creation Fair, a small robot that flies like a helicopter was unveiled. Called �FR-II (pronounced "micro FR two"), the robot was developed by Seiko Epson Corp., a world leader in the production of microprecision instruments. According to Epson, the �FR-II is the world's lightest autonomous robot; an autonomous robot is a robot that decides its own movements without human commands. With a diameter of 136 millimeters, a height of 85 millimeters, and a weight of 12.3 grams, it's small enough to sit on the palm of your hand and weighs about the same as two pencils.
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