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Lesson 7: Is This an Interesting Book?

Dialogue, Say It Out Loud

How do you do?
I am Lucy Kent.
I understand a little Japanese.
I came from Canada.
I am 13 years old.
I like soccer and tennis
Tennis is very fun.

Say It Out Loud

A :
Kore wa omoshiroi hon desu ka?
Is this an interesting book?
B :
Iie, omoshiroku arimasen.
No, [it] is not interesting.

Tsumaranai desu.
[It] is boring.

A :
Are wa omoshiroi hon desu ka?
Is that an interesting book over there?
B :
Ano hon wa muzukashii desu.
That book is difficult.
Ano hon wa muzukashii desu.

A :
Kinoo resutoran e ikimashita.
[I] went to a restaurant yesterday.
B :
Nani o tabemashita ka?
What did [you] eat?
A :
Oishii hanbaagaa o tabemashita.
[I] ate a delicious hamburger.
Oishii hanbaagaa o tabemashita.
L :
Tanjoobi no paatii wa tanoshikatta desu ka?
Was [your] birthday party fun?
K :
Totemo tanoshikatta desu.
[It] was very fun.
L :
Tanjoobi no purezento wa nan deshita ka?
What was [your] birthday present?
K :
Omoshiroi hon deshita.
[It] was an interesting book.
Totemo tanoshikatta desu.

T :
Kono shatsu wa ookii desu ka?
Is this shirt big?
S :
Sono shatsu wa ookii desu.
That shirt is big.
T :
Ano shatsu wa ookii desu ka?
Is that shirt over there big?
S :
Iie, are wa chiisai desu.
No, that is small.
Kono shatsu wa ookii desu ka?