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Back on the Tracks | Lifestyle | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The number of cities served by trams is set to rise. Several cities, mainly in provincial areas, have built or are planning to build next-generation tram systems. The vehicles typically run within central city areas and supplement intercity rail services.

Good Business Scents | Lifestyle | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Two companies are engaged in a battle to gain the upper hand in the Japanese market for fabric deodorant sprays, and the secret weapon they are deploying is green tea.

Gaming on the Go | Lifestyle | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The competition for customers in the gaming industry stepped up a gear in late 2004, as two major makers of video-game systems engaged in a battle over the next generation of portable video-game systems.

Listen and Learn | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Foreign-language dictionaries, whether paper or electronic, have long been seen and not heard. But that is changing quickly with the growing popularity of a slew of advanced "talking" electronic dictionaries.

Reading On The Move | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A growing number of people are reading novels and other books on their mobile phones and computers. Easy to access and a cinch to carry around, these electronic books are convenient and, thanks to plans offering unlimited data transmissions at a fixed rate, reasonably priced as well.

Plastic from Plants | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Plastics made using the resin of corn and other plants are seeing a rapid increase in demand.

Is it a Phone? Is it an Octopus? | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
As mobile phones become an indispensable part of life for many people, they have developed into personalized fashion items as well. Some users customize their phones by decorating them with stickers or covers of their choosing, and these covers have evolved to take on many forms.

Playful Peripherals | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A new range of novelty peripherals is aimed at injecting a bit of humor and fun into the normally staid world of IT. These products are easy to spot: just look for what appears to be a freshly fried shrimp or some other surreal-looking object plugged into a laptop or desktop.

Making Music the Easy Way | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The path to musical proficiency has been considerably shortened in the last few years, thanks to the introduction of a new generation of instruments that make playing music a lot easier than ever before.

Sci-tech 2001-2002 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Reading for All Rising to the Challenge Double Honors Farming Rice with Ducks Space Noodles Too Hot in the City Japan's Academic Ability Brushing Up Majoring in Manga Robocup

Japan's Maglev Train 1 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
The Linear High-Speed Train, which uses electromagnetic fields for extra-fast speeds, is Japan's latest breakthrough in the field of high-speed rail.

Sci-tech 2001-2002 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Reading for All Rising to the Challenge Double Honors Farming Rice with Ducks Space Noodles Too Hot in the City Japan's Academic Ability Brushing Up Majoring in Manga Robocup

The Invisible Man - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech The Invisible Man Now it�s possible for anyone to become invisible! The Story of Invisibility search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Hi-tech > The Invisible

Sci-tech 2011-2012 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Carbon Fibers The Japanese Bolt The Latest Japanese Textiles and Knitting Japan's Science of Odors Instant Phone Translation Japan's K Supercomputer Cell Sheets Japanese Eart

Sci-tech 2008-2009 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Leave Your Chores to a Robot Turning Thoughts into Pictures Fibers of the Future Digital Camera Goes 3-D Self-cleaning Walls and Windows Biofuels from Nonfood Sources Making

Sci-tech 2009-2010 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Virtuous Cycles Robot Caregivers What Do Sounds Look Like? Advances in Personal Mobility The Power Beneath Your Feet Ramen Robots Water Purification on the Go Cuddly Robot Co

Sci-tech 2010-2011 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Hayabusa Is Back Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis Robots on the Moon Japan's High-tech Toilets The Evolving Shinkansen Unraveling the Riddles of the De

Sci-tech 2007-2008 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives The Science Of Origami Regenerative Medicine Moves A Step Closer Air-Purifying Paper Virtual Singer Tops The Charts The World's Thinnest TV Flying To The Moon Surfing In The

Japan's Super Egg Machine 2 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
In Japan, lots of people like to eat a raw egg with breakfast. Advanced machines are used to make sure that the eggs are safe to eat. The latest machines can process up to 33 eggs in just one second!

Sci-tech 2009-2010 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Virtuous Cycles Robot Caregivers What Do Sounds Look Like? Advances in Personal Mobility The Power Beneath Your Feet Ramen Robots Water Purification on the Go Cuddly Robot Co

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