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Antarctica - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This article reports on experiments proposed by Japanese children to study penguins, pollution, and snow crystals in Antarctica.
Seaweed Power - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech Seaweed Power Making Seaweed Absorb CO2 in the Sea of Japan search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Hi-tech > Seaweed Power Hi-tech image image (Kyoto Insti
"Magic" Water and Bubbles - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech "Magic" Water and Bubbles Nanobubbles: No Ordinary Bubbles search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Hi-tech > "Magic" Water and Bubbles Hi-tech image The bub
"Magic" Water and Bubbles - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech "Magic" Water and Bubbles A Very Special Kind of Water search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Hi-tech > "Magic" Water and Bubbles Hi-tech AC_FL_RunContent(
A Japanese Journey to the Stars 1 - What's Cool - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japan has more large-scale planetariums than any other country in the world. In recent years, several Japanese planetariums have introduced cutting-edge equipment and unveiled exciting new programs that allow visitors to enjoy more realistic shows than ever before.
Advanced Robots - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Robots fall into two broad categories. The first type is industrial robots, which are equipped with great strength and special skills. These robots build things and perform tasks that help factories run smoothly. Robots that build cars in automobile factories are a well-known example. The second type of robots help us in our everyday lives. Robots of this type are being used widely in Japan these days, helping people out in many areas--in hospitals and clinics, at home, and in schools.
"Magic" Water and Bubbles - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech "Magic" Water and Bubbles search Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Hi-tech > "Magic" Water and Bubbles Hi-tech Japanese scientists have developed environment
See-Through Fish - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
See-through fish called medaka are being used more and more in medical research, because live fish can be used to see how diseases progress and whether/how medicines help to cure them.
Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Dr. Negishi Ei-ichi
Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Dr. Suzuki Akira
Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis Related Articles This site uses JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings. Go to the main text. Text: sm
Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Organic EL illumination panels
Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close A cell phone display
The Birth of Singing and Dancing Robots 2 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
"Born" in 2009, Miim, is an amazingly realistic humanoid robot. Her hobbies include singing, dancing, and modeling!
The Birth of Singing and Dancing Robots 1 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
"Born" in 2009, Miim, is an amazingly realistic humanoid robot. Her hobbies include singing, dancing, and modeling!
Japan's Super Egg Machine 1 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
In Japan, lots of people like to eat a raw egg with breakfast. Advanced machines are used to make sure that the eggs are safe to eat. The latest machines can process up to 33 eggs in just one second!
The World's First Scientific Taste Sensor 3 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japanese scientists have invented the first device for measuring flavors scientifically. The new "taste sensor" makes it possible to compare subtle differences between flavors—and to come up with some interesting new combinations!
The World's First Scientific Taste Sensor 1 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japanese scientists have invented the first device for measuring flavors scientifically. The new "taste sensor" makes it possible to compare subtle differences between flavors—and to come up with some interesting new combinations!
The World's First Scientific Taste Sensor 2 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japanese scientists have invented the first device for measuring flavors scientifically. The new "taste sensor" makes it possible to compare subtle differences between flavors—and to come up with some interesting new combinations!
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