Software Makes Operation Easy

Miim uses a software system called Choreonoid (C)AIST
A robot needs to be carefully designed so that it can be used and manipulated easily even by people who are not robot experts. Miim uses a software system called Choreonoid that is similar to CG (computer graphics) creation software. A user inputs a number of poses or positions, and the software does the rest, adjusting the movements to create fluid motion. It takes just a few simple user instructions, for example, to get Miim up on her feet and dancing smoothly, just like a real person. Miim is a high-tech, futuristic robot, but she still has her limitations. Since she has just two feet of average size, she will fall over if her operator asks her to make an impossible move. Japanese technology has overcome this difficulty, too: Miim’s software has a built-in function to adjust her balance so she does not lose her footing.

In 2010, Miim performed a song and dance routine together with a group of real dancers. The routine was designed by a top Japanese dance choreographer. With the promise of opportunities to work with experts in a wide variety of fields, Miim's future looks bright indeed.
(Updated in March 2011)