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Comic Book Classics | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
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Comic Book Classics | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Hana yori mo hana no gotoku (More Flowerlike than the Flowers). (C)Minako Narita/Hakusensha(Melody)

Comic Book Classics | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Hana yori mo hana no gotoku (More Flowerlike than the Flowers). (C)Minako Narita/Hakusensha(Melody)

Comic Book Classics | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close A Noh performance.

Comic Book Classics | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Kabukumon (The Deviant). (C)David Miyahara·Akio Tanaka/Kodansha

Comic Book Classics | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Kunisaki Izumo no Jijo (The Circumstances of Kunisaki Izumo). (C) Aya Hirakawa/Shogakukan

Comic Book Classics | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Kunisaki Izumo no Jijo. (The Circumstances of Kunisaki Izumo). (C)Aya Hirakawa/Shogakukan

Kyogen - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Six schoolkids in Nara Prefecture have taken up the challenge of performing kyogen, Japan's classical comic theater, as an after-school activity. In early December, they gave their first performance in front of children from many different schools in the region.

The New Wave Of Traditional Theater | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Kabuki has a long history of skillfully incorporating contemporary trends as it developed and matured as a performing art, maintaining at all times a spirit of "anything goes." That spirit is alive and well in the twenty-first century, most recently taking the form of works staged in collaboration with writers and directors of contemporary theater.

Noh - Meet the Kids - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Noh is a traditional form of drama. The roots of noh go back around 1,300 years, when a performing art called sangaku was brought over from China. Learn more about noh here.

More and More Kids Learn Traditional Arts - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This article introduces some of the growing number of Japanese children who have taken up traditional arts, including noh and the tea ceremony.

Arts - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Elementary school children are playing a big role in helping to preserve traditional arts in Japan, especially in cases where there are not enough people to carry on a local cultural heritage. One example of this is naginata (a weapon with a long blade and broad shaft).

Kabuki, A World Treasure | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Kabuki, a traditional form of Japanese theater that originated about 400 years ago, was designated a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in November 2005.

Whether 1,300 year-old imperial court music or rural music and dance, young people have been carrying on the traditions passed down over generations. In this Nipponia feature, meet today's young performers in such arts as Kabuki, Bunraku and Gagaku.

World-Class Virtuosity | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
As the physiques of Japanese people Westernize, Japanese ballet dancers are rising up the ranks of top ballet companies of the world as principals and soloists.

Samurai Samba | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
"Matsuken Samba II," a song and dance act by a TV star who is best known for his samurai roles, is riding a wave of popularity. The act is by Matsudaira Ken, a veteran entertainer who dresses as a samurai to perform the song.

Pure Love | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japanese women are being swept up in an unprecedented craze for jun'ai (pure, innocent love). A South Korean TV drama series titled Winter Sonata and the novel Sekai no Chushin de, Ai o Sakebu (Crying for Love at the Heart of the World) by Katayama Kyoichi are among the catalysts for this boom.

Kagura - Meet the Kids - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kagura is a form of music and dance dedicated to Shinto gods. Long ago, the Shinto priests who took care of the shrines were the only people allowed to perform kagura. Nowadays, though, many ordinary people enjoy this form of music and dance. Learn about kagura here.

Patrick Harlan | People | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
"Starting at zero is a good place to be when a new opportunity comes around," says Colorado-born Patrick Harlan. That is precisely where he was when he stepped into the world of manzai, a two-person form of stand-up comedy that has entertained the Japanese for over a century.

Circus - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
The Kigure NEW Circus, one of Japan's four major circus troupes, has a cute star who does not perform acrobatics, yet is an idol of some 70 troupe members.

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