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September 2000

Third Grader the Star of a Roving Circus Troupe

The Kigure NEW Circus, one of Japan's four major circus troupes, has a cute star who does not perform acrobatics, yet is an idol of some 70 troupe members.

Yuki Kigure, a bashful third grader, rides a mini bicycle in a clown's costume and sings with other troupe members, most of them in their early 20s, during circus programs.

Yuki travels a lot with his parents, as the troupe moves from one town to another almost every two months, giving him scarcely enough time to make many friends in one place.

Troupe members often leave the circus when their children reach school age because they do not think it good for kids to change school so frequently. Yuki knows how to make friends quickly wherever he goes. But he often finds himself lost and cannot find his way back to his family tent after playing with new friends because he does not know the place well.

After changing school many times as the troupe traveled from town to town, he began to change his behavior, spending time alone in his room after school instead of going out to play. So, his father, Shinji, one day asked him whether he is interested in performing in the circus. His answer was "yes," and Yuki made his stage debut in January this year.

His mother, Midori, said Yuki is already a pro. Even when he is playing in the back of the stage, "his look changes instantly when music played in the circus tells him it's time to go on stage," she explained.

"I don't feel nervous at all on the stage," Yuki said. Though admitting that he often feels lonesome when he has to say good-bye to new friends so soon when the troupe moves on, Yuki said, "I now very much enjoy performing with my parents on the stage."

His parents say they don't necessarily want Yuki to stick with the circus if he finds something else interesting. They want him to pursue his own goals, they say.

But Yuki really loves the circus, at least for now. He says his dream right now is becoming an acrobatic motorcyclist like his father.

Photos:"I feel sad that I have to change schools so often," says Yuki, but he seems to enjoy performing on stage. (Asahi Shogakusei Shimbun)