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2807 items

Harajuku, Yoyogi park
Harajuku, Yoyogi park (© Philippe Pelletier) Harajuku TOKYO Past and Present close

Dai-San, Daiba
Dai-San, Daiba (© Philippe Pelletier) Odaiba TOKYO Past and Present close

Shibuya crossing
Shibuya crossing (© Philippe Pelletier) Shibuya TOKYO Past and Present close

Meiji Jingu Shrine
Meiji Jingu Shrine (© Philippe Pelletier) shrine TOKYO Past and Present close

Chuo-ku, Tsukishima
Chuo-ku, Tsukishima (© Philippe Pelletier) oldsign TOKYO Past and Present close

Akihabara, "Electric City"
Akihabara, "Electric City" (© Philippe Pelletier) oldsign TOKYO Past and Present close

Tokyo in Pictures index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 5. City Life

Harajuku Station
Harajuku Station (© Philippe Pelletier) Harajuku Station TOKYO Past and Present close

Chuo-ku, Tsukishima
Chuo-ku, Tsukishima (© Philippe Pelletier) Chuo-ku, Tsukishima TOKYO Past and Present close

Shibuya-ku, Shoto area
Shibuya-ku, Shoto area (© Philippe Pelletier) Shibuya-ku, Shoto area TOKYO Past and Present close

Harajuku (© Philippe Pelletier) Harajuku TOKYO Past and Present close

Omotesando, Building Prada
Omotesando, Building Prada (© Philippe Pelletier) Omotesando, Building TOKYO Past and Present close

Shibuya Station
Shibuya Station (© Philippe Pelletier) Shibuya Station TOKYO Past and Present close

Tsukiji, the fish market
Tsukiji, the fish market (© Philippe Pelletier) fishmarket TOKYO Past and Present close

Harajuku, behind Meiji Jingu Shrine
Harajuku, behind Meiji Jingu Shrine (© Philippe Pelletier) archery TOKYO Past and Present close

Shinjuku Park
Shinjuku Park (© Philippe Pelletier) hanami TOKYO Past and Present close

Tokyo in Pictures index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Tokyo in Pictures index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 1. Nature

Tokyo in Pictures index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 2. People

Tokyo in Pictures index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 3. Architecture

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