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05-07 | Buzzword | Memory Lane | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Explanations of newly coined Japanese terms that have worked their way into the country�s vocabulary, reflecting broader trends in Japanese society and culture.
97-98 | Business & Economy | Memory Lane | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japanese businesses have a well deserved reputation for innovation. Explore the cutting-edge products and services Japanese companies have developed in recent times.
99-00 | Business & Economy | Memory Lane | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japanese businesses have a well deserved reputation for innovation. Explore the cutting-edge products and services Japanese companies have developed in recent times.
Hokkaido, Cornucopia Of Fine Foods | J-food | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has selected Hokkaido as the venue for the July 2008 Group of Eight Summit. He chose the site, he says, "because I hope to use it for transmitting the beauty of Japan to the world." The island is indeed a scenic place, and it is also a treasure trove of fresh, tasty foods.
Friendly Ghouls And Goblins | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japanese folklore is full of tales of supernatural creatures called yokai. Yokai have some lovable characteristic that makes it difficult to hate them, and in fact, endears them to people. These kinds of characters are now enjoying a surge in popularity among young people, especially manga and anime fans.
Genius Party | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
STUDIO4°C, an animation studio that has gained international fame for the stunning quality and fresh visuals of hits like The Animatrix and Tekkonkinkreet, has come out with its latest project, Genius Party. The new work will be premiered in February 2008 at a festival of Japanese culture to be held in Washington, DC.
department store The food sections of department stores (© Isetan) The food sections of department stores (which generally occupy the first basement level) have a bazaarlike atmosphere, with do
Odaiba The area near Tokyo Bay (©Clean Association of Tokyo 23) Aqua City Odaiba Aqua City Odaiba (©Aqua City Odaiba) waste-procesing plant Underground pipes at a waste-processing center i
Akihabara IT Center Even as the number of stores specializing in anime and video games increases, Akihabara as a whole is still dominated by electric appliances and computers, and many young people
Exploring the Future of Rail Transport : Living in Japan : NIPPONIA No. 43
Exploring the Future of Rail Transport Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 43 > Living in Japan NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 43 December 15, 2007 TOP Living in Japan Chen Hua and Jin Ying Written by
Travel Japan by Train : NIPPONIA No. 43
Japan’s Railway Technology:A Mix of Old and New Quiet, eco-friendly hybrid Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 43 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 43 December 15, 2007 TOP Special F
Enjoy Life at One of These Southern Island Resorts : Japan Travelogue : NIPPONIA No. 42
Nanseirakuen Shigira Bayside Suite ALLAMANDA The ultimate holiday on a distant island Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 42 > Japan Travelogue NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 42 September 15, 2007 TOP Ja
Okinawa's Beautiful Sea : NIPPONIA No. 42
Undersea life Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 42 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 42 September 15, 2007 TOP Special Feature sp_star.gif Okinawa’s Beautiful Sea Your eye is dra
Okinawa's Beautiful Sea : NIPPONIA No. 42
Okinawa’s Beautiful Sea The Sea Around Okinawa—Why Is It So Beautiful? Treasures of Nature Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 42 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 42 September 15
Okinawa's Beautiful Sea : NIPPONIA No. 42
Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 42 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 42 September 15, 2007 TOP Special Feature sp_star.gif Okinawa’s Beautiful Sea Okinawa has more than 200 ki
Okinawa's Beautiful Sea : NIPPONIA No. 42
Underwater Adventures at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 42 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 42 September 15, 2007 TOP Special Feature sp_star.gif Okinawa
Japan's Northernmost Zoo a Big Hit : NIPPONIA No. 39
Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 39 > Japan's Northernmost Zoo a Big Hit NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 39 December 15, 2006 TOP Japan's Northernmost Zoo a Big Hit Left: Look through the transpa
Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 38 > Japan Travelogue NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 38 September 15, 2006 TOP Japan Travelogue Fukuoka 1 Tokyo 2 Fukuoka japanese Fukuoka in northwestern Kyushu h
Humanoid Robots Continue To Evolve Taking the first step Robots to help people A more flexible "brain" and a softer body Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 38 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA N
Nature in Japan Hatcho Dejima Peninsula, Lake Chuzenji, Nikko Kushiro Marsh Ice-covered trees, Zao Mountains Aoshima Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 37 > Special Feature NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 3
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