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Lucky Charms for the Twenty-First Century | Lifestyle | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Every New Year's holiday, millions of Japanese head to shrines or temples to pray for good fortune for the coming year. The shrine visits would not be complete without the purchase of a good-luck charm, called o-mamori in Japanese.

Canned Hot Drinks - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This article traces the history of hot canned drinks like coffee and green tea, which are popular in Japan and may soon become a common sight all over the world.

Greeting Cards - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Here you can download original Kids Web Japan images for use as greeting cards. They can either be attached to an e-mail message or printed out.

O-toshidama - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japanese kids receive special envelopes containing money at New Year. This article explains the custom of o-toshidama.

Culture - Explore Japan - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japan has absorbed many ideas from other countries over the course of its history, including technology, customs, and forms of cultural expression, and has developed its unique culture while integrating these imports. The Japanese lifestyle today is a rich blend of Asian-influenced traditional culture and Western-influenced modern culture.

Fuku Warai - Virtual Culture - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
New Year in Japan would not be complete without the game of fuku warai, which is a bit like pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.">

Kids Web Japan

Gesture Game - Games - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Games > Gesture Game RunGestures(); Close

Japanese Celebrations - Games - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan > Kids Web Japan > Games > Japanese Celebrations RunAnswers(); Close

Sushi - Cookbook - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Sushi is one of the most popular rice dishes in Japan and is also widely enjoyed in countries around the world. In addition to the nigiri type with slices of raw or cooked fish sitting on top of an oblong sushi rice, there is also the norimaki (sushi roll), where pieces of fish and/or vegetable are rolled with rice in nori (dried seaweed), and chirashi-zushi with a variety of ingredients sitting on top of or mixed with a bed of Sushi rice.

Rice and Miso Soup - Cookbook - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Rice is such an important part of the Japanese diet that gohan, the Japanese word for rice, refers to meals of all kinds. Rice isn't considered a vegetable that's served with meat or fish, as in the West, but an independent dish, eaten in its own bowl.

An Introduction to Japanese Food - Cookbook - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Basic information about the foods Japanese people eat and how they eat them.

Favorite Dishes - Cookbook - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This article introduces some of Japanese kids' favorite dishes.

Monthly News: December 2004 - The Girl Who Hopes to Become a Professional Shogi Player
The Girl Who Hopes to Become a Professional Shogi Player Japanese version MONTHLY NEWS December 2004 Shoreikai caption???? Eleven-year-old Ito Sae, a fifth-grade elementary school student, has won a

Shogi - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This news article features Ito Sae, a Japanese elementary school student who is training to be a professional shogi player. Shogi is a board game resembling chess. The article looks at the long road of practice and competition that lies ahead for Sae as she seeks to become the first female shogi player ever to gain entry to the professional ranks.

Cranes - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan Kids Web Japan Archives > Monthly News > Cranes MONTHLY NEWS November 2001 Messages of Hope Carried on the Wings of Paper Cranes After the terrorist attacks in the United States on Septemb

Ghosts - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan!
Web Japan Kids Web Japan Archives > Monthly News > Ghosts MONTHLY NEWS August 2001 Stay Cool in Summer in a Haunted House! Summer in Japan, which is surrounded on all sides by the sea, isn't just ho

School Ghost Stories - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan Kids Web Japan Archives > What's Cool > School ghost stories WHAT'S COOL IN JAPAN July-September 1999 School Ghost Stories During the summer, ghost stories are shared by students at elemen

Good Luck Charms - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan Kids Web Japan Archives > What's Cool > Good luck charms WHAT'S COOL IN JAPAN January-March 2001 Good Luck Charms for Entrance Examinations An ornament of a cat with a forepaw raised, a cr

Shingo Mama - What's Cool in Japan - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan Kids Web Japan Archives > What's Cool > Shingo mama WHAT'S COOL IN JAPAN July-September 2000 Shingo Mama Recently, Japanese children have been greeting one another in the morning using the

Life & Culture - Customs : NIPPONIA
NIPPONIA Life & Culture 02 Customs SUBJECTS Web Japan > NIPPONIA > Life & Culture - Customs English Chinese Korean French Spanish Russian Home Back issues Life & Culture Travel

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