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The Imperial Family - Explore Japan - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Under the Japanese Constitution, the Emperor is the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people. He has no powers related to government. Emperor Akihito took the throne as the 125th Emperor of Japan in 1989.
Government - Explore Japan - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japan's Constitution, which came into force in 1947, is based on three principles: sovereignty of the people, respect for fundamental human rights, and renunciation of war. The Constitution also stipulates the independence of the three branches of government - legislative (the Diet), executive (the cabinet), and judicial (the courts).
Parliament - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Web Japan Kids Web Japan Archives > Monthly News > Parliament MONTHLY NEWS September 1997 Junior Politicians Meet in Children's Parliament A two-day "Children's Diet" was held on July 29 and 30 in t
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