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Ambassador of Beauty | Fashion | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Legendary designer Hanae Mori held her final fashion show at the Haute Couture Show in Paris in July 2004, bringing an end to a career that has spanned about half a century.

Time to Retire | Business and Economy | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Now that the postwar generation of "baby boomers" is about to hit retirement age, a slew of products and services have emerged to cater to this relatively affluent and leisure-loving group of consumers.

Gamers Glimpse the Future | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The tenth annual Tokyo Game Show was held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture on September 22 to 24. The biggest focus of attention was the PlayStation 3, the next-generation game console due to be rolled out in November by Sony.

Showcasing Asian Cinema | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The broadcast of the South Korean TV series Winter Sonata in Japan in 2003 ignited a boom in South Korean pop culture. Amid burgeoning interest in Asian culture, Japan's first theater specializing in Asian films opened in Tokyo in March 2006.

Manga-Inspired Movies | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Over the past few years Japanese movies have won new popularity, and both box office sales and the number of releases are now on the rise. Live-action movies adapted from manga comics are a major force shaping this trend.

Battle of the Beetles | Arts and Entertainment | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
An arcade game called Mushiking, in which players battle for supremacy using cards featuring pictures of fierce-looking beetles from around the world, has captured the imagination of elementary-school boys across Japan.

03-04 | Science & Technology | Memory Lane | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japan is synonymous with groundbreaking inventions and scientific breakthroughs. Here you can revisit the advances covered by Trends in Japan over the past decade.

97-98 | Science & Technology | Memory Lane | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Japan is synonymous with groundbreaking inventions and scientific breakthroughs. Here you can revisit the advances covered by Trends in Japan over the past decade.

05-07 | Lifestyle & Society | Memory Lane | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
This section covers a wide variety of fields in which Japanese innovations have often spread to other countries, such as work, food, architecture, and international cooperation.

Previewing The Future of Technology | Pop Culture | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The Japan International Contents Festival (CoFesta) kicked off with its opening ceremony on September 19. The most popular of the festival's events were the Tokyo Game Show 2007, the largest video game exposition in the world, and the Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies (CEATEC) Japan 2007, focusing on a broad array of digital electronics.

food stand enlarged picture A model shows a stall selling candy at the west end of Ryogokubashi bridge in the Edo period. (©Edo-Tokyo Museum) food stand enlarged picture A fruit vendor at the w

Exploring the Future of Rail Transport : Living in Japan : NIPPONIA No. 43
Exploring the Future of Rail Transport Web Japan > NIPPONIA No. 43 > Living in Japan NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No. 43 December 15, 2007 TOP Living in Japan Chen Hua and Jin Ying Written by

Welcome to the Bionic Age: Robot Technology Advances to a New Level Robot development in Japan, yesterday and today Robots step outside the factory The concept behind HAL's development Web Japan

Web Japan > NIPPONIA No.32 > Special Feature* NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No.32 March 15, 2005 TOP Special Feature* Civil war raged nation-wide during the Warring States period (1467-1568), and potters i

Web Japan > NIPPONIA No.30 > Cover Interview NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No.30 September 15, 2004 TOP cover interview Expressive Power and Sensitive Touch Draw Attention to Young Artist YOSHIYASU Written

Web Japan > NIPPONIA No.30 > Special Feature* NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No.30 September 15, 2004 TOP Special Feature* Image Tradition Lives On: Souvenirs from Kyoto Have you ever thought of visiting K

NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No.27 December 15, 2003 TOP Japan Travelogue Image (1)Tokyo (2)Osaka (3)Hagi japanese Hagi is situated on the Sea of Japan, in northern Yamaguchi Prefecture at the western tip

Have you ever wondered what your pet dog was saying? A toy sold in Japan helps you find out through a wireless microphone, which is attached to a dog's collar, and a handheld interpreting device. Find out more about "Bowlingal" in this article from Nipponia.

NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No.20 March 15, 2002 TOP Trends Today Who Said Japanese People Have Black Hair? Written by Matsuoka Satoshi, Photos by Yamada Sanzo japanese Im

NIPPONIA NIPPONIA No.19 December 15, 2001 TOP Special Feature* Japanese Convenience Stores--Numbers Say a Lot Japan's convenience store industry brings in annual rev

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