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Inventor - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Nine-year-old Sayuri Itoda loves to draw. In the summer of 2001, she came up with a bright idea - a desk with the top surface made of a whiteboard. This way, you can draw directly onto the desk with felt pens, over and over again. She entered her idea to a design contest sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Asahikawa City, on Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido, where she lived.

Decoding the Blueprint of Life - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
This article reports on the achievements of Japanese high school students who succeeded in decoding the DNA of the giant salamander.

Internet - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
A symposium among school teachers and Internet experts was held in December 1997 to discuss how on-line networks could best be used in the educational setting.

Pet Robots - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
While many Japanese people are choosing to own pet robots with artificial intelligence, there are many others who doubt whether these high-tech robots can ever serve as replacements for live pets.

Space Elevator - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Hi-tech Space Elevator Can you imagine stepping onto an elevator bound for outer space? Carbon Nanotubes What Will the Future of Space Travel Look Like? search We

New Tool Against Food Poisoning | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
A start-up company in Japan has succeeded in developing an inexpensive miniature device that detects and evaluates substances in solution. One of the applications of the device is the quick detection of food poisoning bacteria, making it a potential life saver in schools and hospitals.

PC Controlled By User's Eyes | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Professor Arai Kohei of Saga University's Faculty of Science and Engineering has developed a system whereby PC users can input text simply by looking at an on-screen keyboard.

The World's Thinnest TV | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
The world's first 11-inch organic electroluminescence TV set, Sony Corp.'s XEL-1, will go on sale in December 2007. At its thinnest point, this model is just three millimeters thick.

The Science Of Origami | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. With just one sheet of paper, you can make all kinds of objects, such as cranes, rabbits, turtles, and airplanes. But the possibilities of origami do not end there. There is now research on applying paper-folding techniques to engineering in a field dubbed "origami engineering."

Hot New Hair Dryer | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.'s latest model in the Nanocare series of hair dryers has been making waves since its release in July 2006. Thanks to its "nanoe ion" generator, which reduces frizz and makes hair strong and lustrous, it has become a hot seller.

Giant Satellite | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan > Sci-tech > Giant Satellite GIANT SATELLITE GIANT SATELLITE Tennis-Court-Sized Antennas Launched into Orbit (December 21, 2006) photo An image of the ETS-VIII in orbit (Courtesy

Natto, Japan's Health Food Cleans Water 2 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Sticky, smelly, slimy fermented soybeans have long been loved as a food dish. But in addition to its widely recognized health benefits, it can help decontaminate dirty water.

Natto, Japan's Health Food Cleans Water 1 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Sticky, smelly, slimy fermented soybeans have long been loved as a food dish. But in addition to its widely recognized health benefits, it can help decontaminate dirty water.

Japan's New Capsule Endoscopes—"Swimming" through Your Digestive System 1 - Hi-tech - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
Japanese researchers have made another notable advance in medical technology—an endoscope capsule that can be “navigated” through the digestive system—destined to become an essential tool in the prompt discovery of internal diseases.

Sci-tech 1995-1996 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Digital Broadcasting Undersea Exploration International Standards to Protect Environment Eliminating Unnecessary Engine Idling Organic Products Traffic Information Relay Syst

Sci-tech 1997-1998 | Archives | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Trends in Japan Archives Under the Skin Next-Generation Computers Let's Take a Little Drive Up in Space Again Books from the Sky Good Day Sunshine Infertility Treatments Entertaining E-Mail Express T

Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Dr. Negishi Ei-ichi

Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Dr. Suzuki Akira

Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close Organic EL illumination panels

Japan's Revolutionary Achievements in Organic Synthesis | Sci-tech | Trends in Japan | Web Japan
Close A cell phone display

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