Web Japan > Trends in Japan > Archives > Lifestyle 2011-2012
Lifestyle 2011-2012
(March 2012)
From ancient times, many areas of Japan have experienced long, cold winters— climactic conditions that have inspired a whole array of innovative countermeasures to help fight off the incessant chill of the season.
(March 2012)
Colds have plagued humankind since time immemorial, and every culture has produced it own traditional remedies. In Japan, people rely on various concoctions of vegetables and herbs—and even sake—to relieve troublesome cold symptoms.
(February 2012)
Used from ancient times in Japan, fermented foods provide an abundance of benefits, and it is not just their health and preservation attributes—they have become a core aspect of the subtlety, savoriness and depth of Japanese cuisine.
(October 2011)
Festivals abound throughout Japan in the summertime, wherever you go. But why even bother to travel outside the metropolis, since there are festivals galore right in Tokyo?
(October 2011)
No longer simply places for a quick break, Service Areas have undergone a complete transformation into innovative multipurpose facilities.
(August 2011)
From a hand-powered radio to a foldable helmet, innovation in response to natural disasters allow people in Japan to cope with earthquakes and other crises, minimize damage and help others.