Web Japan > Trends in Japan > Archives > Lifestyle 1995-1996
Custom-Made Benefit Plan
(November 13, 1996)
Growing Number of Firms to Give Employees a Choice
Study at Home
(October 29, 1996)
University of the Air to Expand Scope of Broadcasts to Whole Nation

Calling and Driving Don't Mix
(September 25, 1996)
Safety Measures in the Works to Counter Portable Phone-Related Accidents
The Recovery Sputters
(September 25, 1996)
Second Quarter GDP Contracts by 2.9% Annual Rate
The Rapidly Graying Japan
(September 19, 1996)
Coping with an Aging Society Becomes Important National Policy

Organic Products
(September 2, 1996)
Organic Movement Spreads from Farmyard to Department-Store Shelf
Attitudes to Job Switching
(August 22, 1996)
Radical Change in Perspectives of New Employees
Smaller Gap in Household Assets
(July 23, 1996)
The Rich Get Poorer, the Poor Get Richer in the Post-Bubble Era
Traffic War Revisited
(July 23, 1996)
Preventing Fatal Accidents a National Priority
1996 White Paper on Leisure
(July 1, 1996)
People Take Recreation More Seriously
Affluent Singles
(July 1, 1996)
High Level of Spending among Single-Person Households

A Liter of Milk and a Ticket to Guam, Please
(May 23, 1996)
Convenience Stores Offer Travel Reservation Services

Multilingual Radio Broadcasts
(May 23, 1996)
Radio Stations Serving Japan's Foreign Population Go on the Air
Simply Not Red
(April 30, 1996)
A Primary Color Fades Away From Public Places in Tokyo
Marriages of Convenience
(April 25, 1996)
Cheaper, Simpler Overseas Weddings Lure Japanese Couples
Ringing up Subscriptions
(April 25, 1996)
Mobile and PHS Phone Users Top 10 Million

Cherry-Blossom Viewing
(April 23, 1996)
Flocking Under the Light-Pink Petals to Celebrate Spring's Arrival
Japanese Children Getting Bigger
(January 31, 1996)
More Stores Roll out Welcome Mats for Pets
(November 21, 1995)
Three of Four Happy with Current Living Standards
(September 14, 1995)
Casual Wear Enters the Workplace
(August 30, 1995)
Late-Night Sales from Cigarette Machines to Cease
(February 16, 1996)
Retired Police Officers on Koban Duty
(February 15, 1996)
Japanese New Year's Cards
(January 8,1996)
Teletext Back in the Limelight
(October 19, 1995)
After-Hours TV Programs Enjoy Quiet Popularity
(October 13, 1995)
More Volunteers Teaching Japanese
(September 29, 1995)
Understanding of Aids Spreads
(September 27, 1995)
Brakes Applied on Growth of Trash Volume
(September 8, 1995)
Number of Registered Foreigners Reaches All-Time High
(September 7, 1995)
Accessibility, Convenience Spark Autocamping Boom
(August 30, 1995)
Looking for Jobs on the Internet
(August 28, 1995)
Internet Cafes Appear in Japan
(August 28, 1995)
Steel and Aluminum Beverage Can Recycling Expanding
(July 24, 1995)
Cigarette Makers Promise "Self Control"
(July 21, 1995)
Japan's Average Life Expectancy Remains Highest in World
(July 21, 1995)
Internet Fever in Japan
(July 19, 1995)
Ice Coffee: a Year Round Japanese Favorite
(June 30, 1995)
Family Leave Law to be Implemented in 1999
(June 23, 1995)
Fertility Rate Shows Signs of Rebounding
(June 13, 1995)