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Masked Masses

Masks Used to Keep Out Germs and Pollen

Masked Masses

Masks have a variety of benefits: They help prevent colds and flu from spreading between individuals, and they also keep out airborne pollen. While many masks remain simple affairs of layered gauze, newer, hi-tech types are appearing, some of which are even capable of neutralizing viruses.


Hi-tech Winter Underwear

New Thermals Help to Combat Climate Change

Hi-tech Winter Underwear

In an effort to combat global warming by conserving energy, many offices and shops have turned down the thermostats. This means people need to dress up warm even indoors. Newly developed hi-tech underwear, which is warm but not bulky, offers the perfect solution.

Ladies Behind the Lens

Ladies Behind the Lens

The evolving world of digital SLR cameras, with their ability to capture the essence of the moment without the fuss of traditional SLRs, is attracting new fans, particularly among women.

Zeroing in on the Health Boom

Zeroing in on the Health Boom

A trip to a Japanese supermarket or convenience store these days reveals a prominence of items displaying the numeral "0" on their packaging, meaning they are sugar-, calorie-, or fat-free - and sometimes all three. These "zero-type" foods and drinks, as they have been dubbed, have struck a chord among a rapidly expanding legion of health-conscious consumers.

Home-Grown Cuisine

Home-Grown Cuisine

Many izakaya (taverns) have long identified themselves by means of a red lantern hanging outside the door. Recently, though, some taverns are displaying not red lanterns but green ones. These green lanterns show that the store is participating in a movement to promote the use of locally grown ingredients.

More Japanese "Boxing" their Lunches

More Japanese "Boxing" their Lunches

The lunchtime landscape at Japanese workplaces is changing. Come midday, an increasing number of individuals can be seen popping the lids off Japanese boxed lunches, or bento.

Dads More Involved In Raising Kids

Dads More Involved In Raising Kids

More and more Japanese fathers are taking an active role in raising their children. Stores are stocking a growing selection of baby goods designed for use by fathers, and support networks enabling men to exchange child-care information are being formed.

The Evolving World of Karaoke

The Evolving World of Karaoke

Karaoke was born in Japan over 30 years ago. There are more and more karaoke establishments that, in addition to allowing patrons to have fun singing, have expanded their services through such means as presenting customers with delicious food in a lavish space or giving them the opportunity to soak in a hot bath.

"Spaceship" Lands In Shibuya

"Spaceship" Lands In Shibuya

The area around Tokyo's Shibuya Station, long known as a center of youth culture and fashion, is getting a makeover. The symbol of this renewal is the creation of a new subway station in the form of a chichusen, or "underground spaceship."

Sweet Success

Sweet Success

Kids and grown-ups alike derive great pleasure from eating their favorite sweets. Knickknacks and daily necessities that tap into the power of desserts to make people happy are becoming increasingly popular.

The Suit You Can Wash In The Shower

The Suit You Can Wash In The Shower

Who has not wished their suit could be easily washed without having to take it to the dry cleaner's? Now a new suit has hit the market that takes care of just this problem. The Shower Clean Suit can be washed in warm water from the shower, does not require ironing, and maintains a sharp crease in the trousers.

Defining The Modern Age

Defining The Modern Age

Dictionaries in Japan are evolving in leaps and bounds. Kojien, Japan's best known dictionary, has recently undergone its first major revision in a decade, while a revolutionary dictionary of kanji characters has been an unlikely hit.

Help For Morning Snoozers

Help For Morning Snoozers

For those for whom waking up is a daily battle, there is a solution. Several alarm clocks are now available that can not only wake you up but even put a smile on your face.