NIPPONIA No. 47 December 15, 2008


Special Featuresp_star.gifSushi! Sushi! Sushi!

Anago eel


Top left: Slit open, and remove the innards and backbones.
Center left: Scrub the skins with a scrubbing brush to remove any slime.
Bottom left: Place the eels in a hikizaru basket, then lower it into a pot that contains a broth seasoned with sake, soy sauce and sugar.
Right: The eel is very soft after simmering, so to prevent it from falling into pieces it is lifted out of the broth while still in the basket.


Prawn (ebi)


Left: Skewer the prawns to prevent them from curling, then blanch them quickly in boiling salted water.
Center: Soak them in ice water so they keep their attractive color.
Right: Just before serving, shell them, slit the undersides, then place on a clump of sushi rice, with oboro between the prawn and the rice. To make oboro, mince some small prawn, and heat well with sugar and mirin in a pan without oil.
