NIPPONIA No.27 December 15, 2003

(5)Valks Akihabara Show Room(in Radio Kaikan)
Valks Akihabara has 850 showcases for rent on the 7th floor of Radio Kaikan. People who have things to sell bring them here, arrange them in a showcase, and ask the company to sell them for a commission. The cases are crammed with everything from mascot products and figurines to telephone cards. Something you no longer need could be a treasure for someone else. The stock in the cases keeps changing, so it is a good idea to keep coming to check out the latest.

(6)Cospa Shop and Cure Maid Café
Cospa Shop has costumes of characters appearing in video games and animated movies, plus wigs and accessories. The store is on the 2nd floor of the same building Gachapon Kaikan is located in.
Left: Costumes and other goods based on the popular animé Mobile Suit Gundam.
Right: On the 6th floor of the same building, waitresses dressed like cute animé characters serve customers at Cure Maid Café. A popular spot for animé fans and customers taking a break from shopping.

Map of Akihabara Electric City (December 2003)
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