The Exhibits of Global Common Five (June 23, 2005)
Night View of the Australian Pavilion (The Australian Pavilion) |
From March 25 to September 25, 2005, the 2005 World Exposition is taking place in the eastern hills of Nagoya, which is located in the center of Japan in Aichi Prefecture. Including the host nation Japan, there are 121 official participating nations, 4 international organizations, and a number of NPOs and NGOs. Under the theme of "Nature's Wisdom," the first World Exposition of the twenty-first century is seeking out ways for humankind and nature to enjoy a sustainable coexistence and models for global society in the coming age. The official participants are holding their exhibitions in Global Commons, common areas that group participants together by region and provide both individual and shared space. The six Global Commons are linked by the Global Loop, which will allow visitors to enjoy a virtual walk around the world. Twenty-two countries in Southeast Asia and Oceania are holding their exhibits in the 12 pavilions of Global Common Six.
The Sights of Southeast Asia
Situated between the North Gate and West Gate, Global Common Six offers a fantastic view of the Expo site's terrain. Many of the countries exhibiting in this area, including Australia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, are popular tourist destinations.
When approaching the Singapore Pavilion, the first thing you encounter is technology, in the form of talking trees. Yes - talking trees! Ask them what is happening in the pavilion that day or talk with them about Singapore. You will be pleasantly surprised by their responses. The World Cafe is located on the pavilion's mezzanine level and offers a range of Singaporean food.
"Truly Natural. Infinitely Harmonious" is the theme of the Malaysia Pavilion. Inside, you can view landscapes of rain forests and images of beautiful coral reefs. In addition, the pavilion displays efforts to develop biotechnology in Malaysia, one of 12 "mega biodiversity" countries in the world. Meanwhile, the Thai Pavilion showcases the landscapes of Thailand and the lives and customs of Thai people in various parts of the country. Spicy fast foods, such as tom yam kung soup and Thai-style curry, can be enjoyed here.
Global Common 6 (Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition) |
The Viet Nam Pavilion is also serving some of the country's famous traditional foods, including spring rolls, vermicelli and grilled meat, and pho (soup with noodles made of rice). The pavilion's theme is "Vietnam - Culture and Natural Identities." The focus is on nature, the environment, and culture, and Vietnamese people are shown living side by side with nature. The pavilion building is made of steel wrapped in bamboo and covered in white silk. Inside the pavilion is a shop selling various Vietnamese products.
Over at the Indonesia Pavilion, meanwhile, visitors first glimpse the amazing sea life of Indonesia in the salt- and fresh-water aquariums. They are then guided through the Biodiversity Corridor under the jungle canopy, accompanied by sounds and images of the Indonesian jungle generated through multimedia devices. Kiosks at the pavilion's International Market display environmentally friendly products and examples of Indonesian arts and crafts.
The other Southeast Asian countries with pavilions in Global Common Six are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and the Philippines.
A Taste of the Pacific
The Australia Pavilion is easy to spot, as its building's facade shines by day and glows brightly by night. The courtyard in front of the pavilion acts as an initial meeting place for visitors. During the day, the retail space inside is known as The BBQ @ The Australian Pavilion and in the evening The Sand Bar @ The Australian Pavilion and reflects the diverse and relaxed nature of contemporary living in Australia.
At the New Zealand Pavilion, the accent is on the country's great natural beauty and its creative and technologically sophisticated people. A traditional Maori group gives several cultural performances every day at the performing area of Global Common Six. And at the Pacific Islands Pavilion, 11 countries scattered throughout the South Pacific have joined together to introduce the life and culture of their people with the theme of "The Beautiful Pacific." Delicious offerings of steamed breadfruit and taro cooked in the traditional manner - on hot rocks over fire - are available, as well as roast pork.
Global Common Six is located very conveniently near the Japan Zone and the corporate pavilions. The views it offers of the Expo site are another reason to visit. It is also close to Koi Pond, where nighttime events take place every evening.
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(April 28, 2005)
(March 29, 2005)
(March 18, 2005)
(February 16, 2005)
(February 8, 2005) |