Web Japan > Trends in Japan > Archives > Lifestyle 1999-2000
Travel Broadens Your Horizons
(December 8, 2000)
The Rise of Whirlwind Overseas Study Trips
Come Study in Japan!
(November 30, 2000)
Government Plans to Attract More Foreign Students
The Death of Diesel?
(September 19, 2000)
Stricter Emission Rules for New Cars
Garbage Shortage?
(August 24, 2000)
Decline in Waste Proves to Be a Mixed Blessing
Summit Fever
(July 11, 2000)
Okinawans Race to Prepare for G8 Meeting

Raise Your Child Here!
(July 10, 2000)
Localities Add Services to Attract Young Couples Starting Families

Disco Icon Sets out to Conquer Nursing Care
(June 30, 2000)
Former Club Producer Ventures into New Territory
Relief for the Technologically Harassed
(June 21, 2000)
Support Services Spring Up to Help Mature PC Users
Food Self-Sufficiency
(June 5, 2000)
Government Targets Rate of 45% by Fiscal 2010
Recycling Is Back
(June 5, 2000)
Paper Shortage Prompts Revival of Old Practices
"Parasite Singles" Multiply
(May 15, 2000)
And Parental "Hosts" Don't Seem to Mind
Goodbye Loneliness
(April 19, 2000)
Group Homes Offer Attractive Option for the Elderly
Biting the Bullet
(April 10, 2000)
Shinkansen Serves Up New Menu to Meet Changing Needs
Testing Your Plant Knowledge
(February 10, 2000)
Exam on Greenery and Flowers to Begin in Spring 2000
Where Have All the Babies Gone?
(January 31, 2000)
1999 Birthrate Plummeting to a Record Low
Knowing Your Kanji
(January 18, 2000)
Back to the Basics of Japanese Writing
The Charismatic Look
(December 22, 1999)
Media-Hyped Fashion Figures Emerge as Role Models
Sounds Meaningful
(November 29, 1999)
Onomatopoeia Plays a Major Role in Japanese
Falling Standards?
(November 2, 1999)
Students' Academic Ability Is a Growing Concern
Learning to Be Stingy
(October 15, 1999)
Tough Economic Times Mean Less Pocket Money
Life After Kobe
(September 1, 1999)
Temporary Housing to Be Reused in Kosovo
Staying Clean
(July 26, 1999)
Health-Conscious Bathers Flock to "Super Sento"
Pick Up Those Sticks
(July 8, 1999)
Chopstick Use Seen as Sign of Healthy Diet
Ambitious Grandmas, Adventurous Grandpas
(March 26, 1999)
Japan's Senior Citizens Growing Active
It's Good for You
(January 28, 1999)
Drowning in Health-Food Fads
Provocative Collectibles
(January 27, 1999)
Old Celebrity Photos Fetching Big Money