Web Japan > Trends in Japan > Archives > Business 1995-1996
1997 Budget Approved
(December 27, 1996)
77.4 Trillion Yen Plan Includes 4 Trillion Yen Drop in Government Bond Issues
Car-Recycling Drive
(December 20, 1996)
Targets Set for Makers, Dealers, Wreckers
Counting the Blessings of Deregulation
(December 16, 1996)
EPA Says Reforms Generated 7.9 Trillion Yen a Year
GDP Halts Skid
(December 9, 1996)
Economy Edges Up in Third Quarter

Digital Broadcasting
(November 27, 1996)
Japanese TV Enters Multichannel Era with Start of Digital Satellite Broadcasting

Corporate Support for Volunteers
(November 26, 1996)
Paid Leave and Subsidies Offered to Encourage Volunteer Work
International Standards to Protect Environment
(November 19, 1996)
Certification System Introduced in Japan
Custom-Made Benefit Plan
(November 13, 1996)
Growing Number of Firms to Give Employees a Choice
New Cabinet Inaugurated
(November 8, 1996)
LDP Forms Single-Party Administration after Three-Year Hiatus
LDP Wins Big
(October 21, 1996)
Hashimoto to Stay On after Strong Election Showing
Imports Defy Weak Yen
(October 15, 1996)
Companies Produce, Buy More Abroad
Overseas Investment Rises
(October 7, 1996)
Clear Signs of a Recovery
The Lower House Is Dissolved
(September 27, 1996)
Elections to Be Held October 20
The Recovery Sputters
(September 25, 1996)
Second Quarter GDP Contracts by 2.9% Annual Rate
Dwindling Trade Surplus
(September 24, 1996)
Structural Changes Point to an Enduring Trend
Multicultural Publications
(September 19, 1996)
Foreigners in Japan Find an Oasis of Information
Kasumigaseki Goes On-Line
(September 17, 1996)
Japan's Government Offices to Build Wide Area Network
(August 22, 1996)
14 Countries, Regions to Collaborate on International Standards
Smaller Gap in Household Assets
(July 23, 1996)
The Rich Get Poorer, the Poor Get Richer in the Post-Bubble Era
Moving into High Gear
(July 9, 1996)
Economy Marks Biggest Quarterly Growth in 23 Years

A Liter of Milk and a Ticket to Guam, Please
(May 23, 1996)
Convenience Stores Offer Travel Reservation Services
A Friendlier Reception
(May 7, 1996)
Department Store Employees Make Perfect Volunteers
Beyond Credit Cards
(May 7, 1996)
City Banks Launch Joint Electronic Money Experiment
Catching On
(April 30, 1996)
Environment-Friendly Fishing Line Stops Riverbed Pollution
Ringing up Subscriptions
(April 25, 1996)
Mobile and PHS Phone Users Top 10 Million
Back on Track
(April 25, 1996)
Fourth Quarter GDP Surges to 3.6% Annual Rate While Imports Keep Rising
Not Made in Japan
(April 18, 1996)
Industrial Imports Continue to Boost Market Share
Picking Up
(April 18, 1996)
Rise in Lost Property Points to Economic Uplift
Pet Bottle Recycling Gains Momentum
(March 29, 1996)
Audiophiles Embrace Minidiscs
(March 26, 1996)
Tenth Straight Year of Declining Car Exports
(March 4, 1996)
Kid Investors Play Stock Market in Class
(March 4, 1996)
Valentine's Day Is Sweet for Japan's Candy Makers
(February 26, 1996)
Service Industry Booming
(February 16, 1996)
Trade Surplus Drops for First Time in Five Years
(February 16, 1996)
Local Governments in Japan Compile Materials on Rental Accommodation for Foreigners
(February 15, 1996)
Consumer Prices in 1995 Post First Yearly Decline
(February 15, 1996)
Internet Sister School Exchanges Expanding
(January 31, 1996)
Personal Computer Goods Top List of 1995 Hit Products
(January 31, 1996)
Recycled Plastic Bottles Become Dress Shirts
(December 20, 1995)
Momentum for Growth Falters in Third Quarter of 1995
(December 8, 1995)
Professionals Active as Teachers in Schools
(December 5, 1995)
Playing the Stock Market in Miniature
(October 24, 1995)
Kansai Region Pools Resources for APEC Conference in Osaka
(October 20, 1995)
Japanese Business Sets Up Shop on the Internet
(October 11, 1995)
Health-Related Products for Pets Booming
(September 14, 1995)
Japan's Current Account Surplus Continues to Decline
(August 28, 1995)
Imports of Color Television Sets Exceed Domestic Production
(August 25, 1995)
Number of Single-Parent Families Drops
(August 14, 1995)
Diffusion Rate Exceeds 40% for Word Processors
(July 19, 1995)
Products with Long-Term Guarantees Appear on the Market
(July 19, 1995)
Economy Grows by 0.1% in First Quarter of 1995
(June 23, 1995)
Japanese Investment in Asia Soaring
(June 20, 1995)
High Yen Spurs Individual Importing
(June 13, 1995)
Time-Deposit System for Housework and Caregiving
(June 2, 1995)