(November 21, 2000)
Knitting Boom Spurred On by Male Designer |
(November 17, 2000)
Pianist Enjoys Popularity After Years of Obscurity |
(November 15, 2000)
Skin Is the Canvas for Body Art |
(August 11, 2000)
New Looks for Traditional Summer Garment |
(August 1, 2000)
Upgrade Makes Denim a Hit with Young Women |
(May 23, 2000)
Traditional Materials Find New Application in Clothing |
(April 12, 2000)
Thermal Underwear Comes into Vogue |
(April 3, 2000)
New Accessories Help Define Look of Today's Youth |
(January 12, 2000)
1999 Fall/Winter Style Is a Blockbuster |
(November 9, 1999)
Taking a Fresh Look at Charcoal |
(October 7, 1999)
Platform Shoes Cause Frequent Accidents |
(July 16, 1999)
Variety of Beads and Low Cost Lure Adults, Too |
(July 7, 1999)
Tokyo's Harajuku-Aoyama Area Becomes a Beauty Mecca |
(April 19, 1999)
Pursuit of Year-Round Fun Puts a Damper on the Seasons |
(March 9, 1999)
Japanese Brands Make a Splash in Foreign Markets |
(February 3, 1999)
Tamer Chapatsu Hair Colors Take Hold |
(January 21, 1999)
A Return to Tradition or a Symbol of Anxiety? |
Copyright (C)2007 Web Japan. Edited by Japan Echo Inc. based on domestic Japanese news sources. Articles presented here are offered for reference purposes and do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the Japanese Government.