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What's Cool

Penny Candy Stores (Dagashiya)



Dagashiya are often located near elementary schools. Children go there after school to buy a treat, play with their friends, and chat with the shopkeeper. One of these stores is called Takasanchi (Taka-san's place). Late one afternoon on a school day, Takasanchi is filled with kids, who call out to the proprietor, Takahashi Yukako - or "Taka-san," as she is affectionately known - "Taka-san, this costs thirty yen, right?" or "I won the lucky draw again!"


Most of Takasanchi's customers are in elementary school, but some are in middle or high school. Some kids come every day, while others drop by once or twice a week. The children all love it there. "I have a good time here, and Taka-san is nice to us," says one girl in fourth grade. "I like being able to win candy and snacks in the lucky draw," says a fourth grade boy. Among the best-selling items are sweets that, when opened, reveal a message saying "You won!" or "Too bad!" If you get a winning message, it means you win another snack. Other popular items include Butamen (mini cup noodles), Sour Paper Candy (a long, thin chewy candy), and Morocco Yogurt (a soft yogurt-flavored candy that comes in a mini yogurt pot).
