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What's Cool



Mugen Arthur


The theme of the Mugen Kenseiju ("holy beasts of the sword") series, released at the end of June, is one-horned beasts. When all five of the robots in this series are joined together, they form the 20-centimeter Mugen Arthur.

The feature that allows such configurations are the "mugen joints" built onto each individual toy piece in the Mugenbine line. The toys sold together with candy can even be connected with other larger toys in the series—the combinations really are endless!

At the official Mugenbine website you can post pictures to show off your own master piece. Although they are toys, each part is made with artistic detail that even impresses adults. In the process of helping their kids construct the robots, it's often the father who gets mostly wrapped up in the fun.

MugenbineMugenbineMugenbineMugenbineMugen Arthur


(Updated in July 2008)