(December 15, 2006)
There is now a robot that will come over to you and play music with just the push of a button on a remote control. |
(March 1, 2006)
Japanese firms continue to set the pace in the development of multifunctional, interactive robots. The work to improve ASIMO, the world's most advanced autonomous bipedal humanoid robot, continues at Honda Motor Co. |
(September 30, 2003)
At a dinner at the state guesthouse
in Prague on the evening of August 21 hosted by Czech Prime Minister Vladimir
Spidla, the humanoid robot ASIMO walked in and offered a toast in the Czech language,
saying, "To friendship between Japan and the Czech Republic and humans and
(August 28, 2003)
"Powered suits" that support disabled or elderly
individuals in their physical activities are now under development.
(April 14, 2003)
Robots that take care of household chores or watch the home
while residents are away are appearing one after another. In addition, the development of robots
that can assist people with everyday activities - something that holds promise
in an aging society - is continuing.
(November 21, 2002)
For the first time in the world, a robot the size and shape of a human
has been built that can stand up and lie down on its own.
(July 30, 2002)
Homemade robots got the chance to try out their techniques
in a competition known as RoboCup-2002 Fukuoka/Busan, which was held at
the Fukuoka Dome on June 19-25.
(July 5, 2002)
With the aim of increasing the safety and efficiency of landmine removal,
Japanese universities and research institutes have been actively looking
into robotics as a solution to this deadly problem.
(May 13, 2002)
The production of homemade robots among amateur enthusiasts - including
elementary school children - has also been enjoying a boom. Amateur robot
contests are being held in various places and are proving to be immensely
(November 26, 2001)
Sushi is known throughout the world as the quintessential Japanese food.
Some pioneering restaurants in Japan have turned to technological innovation as a means
of pleasing customers and producing profits.
(February 1, 2001)
The famous Japanese cartoonist Osamu Tezuka created a comic book titled
Tetsuwan Atomu, whose protagonist was a robot by the same name.
Tetsuwan Atomu appeared as a serial in a boy's magazine from
1952 through 1968 and as an animated cartoon on TV from 1963 through
1966, with a new version of the show running from 1980 to 1981. Tetsuwan
Atomu was extremely popular among both boys and girls. The robot character
became known outside Japan as Astro Boy. In the story, the character
was supposed to have been born in 2003. Today, that year is not so
far off, and robots--once viewed as things of the distant future--are
starting to appear all around us, as illustrated by the following
status report on robots in Japan.
(December 25, 2000)
Sony Corp. has begun marketing the new version of its pet robot, AIBO.
The company began accepting orders for the robot on November 16, 2000.
From early December it will ship the products to buyers in the order
that they applied. The first version of AIBO went on sale in June
1999 and, with sales limited to 3,000 units in Japan, sold out in
just 20 minutes. Sony therefore decided to use a reservation system
for sales of the second-generation robot and produce and sell just
the number of units for which orders are received.
(June 22, 1999)
Amid a growing craze for animal companions, robotic pets have appeared
on the market and are quickly winning people's hearts. Equipped with
the "brains" of a PC and an assortment of sensors, these robo-pets
mimic live animals in their movements and expressions. Now in the
offing are robots that can communicate with their owners and perform
various tasks. Apartment restrictions on animals, plus the difficulty
of caring for pets that are living longer, are helping fuel the popularity
of nonliving "pets" and blurring the line between pets and robots.
(May 28, 1999)
Being a devout Buddhist has never been especially easy. The dedication required
by the religion is exemplified by the henro, a rigorous pilgrimage
around the entire island of Shikoku with stops at 88 famous temples
founded in the late eighth century. But now automation has crept even
into this world of physical and spiritual devotion, with the introduction
of a robot that may very well be one of the world's first mechanical
(November 22, 1996)
A next-generation undersea exploratory robot, able to dive as deep
as 400 meters and operate on its own power for as long as 24 hours,
has made its appearance. Developed jointly by the University of Tokyo's
Institute of Industrial Science and a private shipbuilding firm, the
robot is propelled by a diesel engine. It is said to be the first
free-operating undersea exploratory robot not to run on batteries.
Compared to scientific investigations carried out from the surface
of the ocean, those using this robot will be able to detect changes
in the ocean with greatly increased precision.
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