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ECOMONEY: New Currency Based on Kind Deeds Takes Root March 5, 1999 Often people ask a small favor of another and feel awkward paying money for it, but would like to be able to offer something in thanks--when an elderly person wants a younger person to go on a quick errand, for example. Ecomoney can provide a comfortable solution in such a situation. It consists of points that can be earned through little favors and volunteer work; these points can then be traded for products and services within a limited region. This new type of currency, expected to help cultivate stronger ties between people in the same community, is beginning to spread in Japan. How Much for That Good Deed? In October 1998 this system was experimentally introduced in Suo Oshima, an island off the coast of Yamaguchi Prefecture at the southwestern tip of Honshu. One young man who helped clean a local beach received 24 eco for his four hours of work. ("Eco" is the unit of ecomoney; one eco amounts to about 10 minutes of light labor.) This youth exchanged five eco for a ticket to a local hot spring facility and saved the rest. The NPO running Suo Oshima's system also issues one eco for every 100 yen (0.83 U.S. dollars at 120 yen to the dollar) in donations. Ecomoney obtained in this way can then be used to pay for such services as fixing a doorknob (3 eco), watering plants (3 eco), and mowing grass (24 eco). The NPO hopes that one day ecomoney will even be used to shop in local shopping districts. Stimulating Community Interaction The start of the experiment in Suo Oshima touched off a ripple effect that has already reached other parts of Yamaguchi Prefecture. The movement is expected to spread still further, as Supernet Co., a developer of wireless radio systems and the company providing administrative guidance for Suo Oshima's endeavor, hopes to help introduce ecomoney in twelve other communities across Japan in spring 1999. Money with Warmth One expert on welfare issues who advocates ecomoney predicts that "eventually, new monetary systems like this one will account for a substantial part of Japan's economy." The ecomoney system will not be successful, however, without trust and shared values among its participants and a strong organizational backbone. Concentrating on these factors, promoters hope to see ecomoney take root as the new money of the twenty-first century.