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Unique Marketing Bolsters Sales of New Game System
February 8, 1999

In one of the famed ads, Yukawa secretly rejoices upon
overhearing children on the street (in the background) talking excitedly
about Dreamcast, his company's product. (Sega Enterprises)
In 1998 an ordinary office executive appeared on a television ad and soon
became as recognizable as today's most poplar entertainers. His name is
Hidekazu Yukawa of Sega Enterprises, star of commercials touting the
November 1998 release of Sega's new Dreamcast home video game system. His
acting was so convincing that many viewers mistook him for a professional
actor, and he became an overnight sensation.
Image Make-Over
There are actually seven ads in the unconventional and highly touted series
featuring Yukawa, which ran for about half a year prior to the system's
release. The original ad features Yukawa overhearing some kids demeaning
Sega's system while praising rival Sony's PlayStation. Disturbed, he returns
to his office to confront his employees about the matter, where his worst
fears are confirmed. Downhearted, he takes to the city streets to drown his
sorrows. Staggering home in a drunken haze, he gets roughed up by a group of
gangsters. Returning home in utter defeat, he hears a voice out of nowhere
reverberating: "Get on your feet, Yukawa!"
Last Ditch Strategy
Some insiders at Sega were apprehensive about degrading their own product.
But due in large part to Yukawa's convincing performance, the commercial
became an instant hit. "We felt that at the outset, it was important to
change people's perception of Sega and to get them to take an interest in
us," remarked Yukawa. The ads did exactly that, striking a chord especially
with young viewers, and the company soon found itself flooded with telephone
and e-mail inquiries. A Yukawa home page
(Japanese only) was established and, more recently, Yukawa's image has been
featured on Print Club photo sticker machines and prepaid convenience store
cards. In another sign of his popularity, it has been common to see children
emulating his antics from the ads.
As a result of the commercials' impact, Yukawa has become even more
recognizable than the game console itself, prompting Sega to imprint his
face on the product's box for greater product visibility.
When the system finally went on sale, Yukawa was present at the release
ceremony. Thanks to the effectiveness of the ads and thumbs-up reviews of
its arcade-like high-resolution graphics, the next-generation system quickly
sold out nationwide.
From Here On?
Despite its explosive beginning, Dreamcast's launch has not been without
mishap. Due to insufficient production planning, the company has been unable
to churn out enough units to keep up with demand over the first two months
of its release. Yukawa was demoted to a lower post because of his planning
oversight, but Sega once again demonstrated its marketing savvy by featuring
him in an ad apologizing for his mishaps--a rare "apology ad." While the
success of Dreamcast's upcoming overseas release remains to be seen, the
product's future in Japan, thanks in large part to its corporate pitchman,
looks like a sure bet.
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