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Women with Fuller Physiques Come into Vogue
November 26, 1998

Norika Fujiwara: proof that popularity doesn't depend on
skinniness. (Jiji Press)
The "dream physique" aspired to by young Japanese women is changing.
Attention is moving from singers and fashion models with sharply svelte
silhouettes, characterized by lanky legs and pronounced collarbones, to
celebrities with a healthy, slightly rounded look. Although the new look is
more than mere flab and requires as much shaping up as before, its growing
popularity may still be good news for the many women who have been putting
themselves through rigorous diets in pursuit of a skin-and-bone body--many
in vain.
Full-Figured, Not Fat
One of the most popular female stars among young Japanese women today is
Norika Fujiwara, who first caught public attention as a model in a swimwear
maker's ads; she subsequently appeared in a number of men's magazines before
becoming an actress. She is now featured in numerous television shows,
commercials, and magazines. The secret of her popularity lies both in her
physique and her unassuming personality. One sportswear designer describes
Fujiwara's figure as "mature but slim; fleshy at first glance, but not in
excess." Despite her often revealing fashion, she does not come across as
flirtatious. Since March 1998 Fujiwara has been seen in ads for a mobile
phone company that had previously been attracting just 1,000 new subscribers
per month. The month after her first appearance in the company's ads, this
figure shot up to 23,000, then to 68,000 in July. "I was a bit worried at
first that Fujiwara might not go over well with women," the company's
promotion director admits, "but now I realize I was completely wrong."
A number of other stars with fuller figures like Fujiwara's have recently
seen their popularity soar. Until not long ago, female celebrities with
prominent busts were appreciated mostly for their sexual appeal, appearing
in men's magazines wearing skimpy dresses and bikinis. But their status is
changing. More of them have found success as actresses and TV personalities
without needing to dress scantily; their distinctive characters have won
them a respectable following not only among men but also among their own
Women Returning to Their Natural Selves
The physique held up as ideal for a woman never stays the same for very
long. In the 1970s Agnes Lum, a Hawaiian-born woman with a full, sensuous
figure, debuted in a TV commercial and became instantly popular,
particularly among men. For some time thereafter, women with curvaceous
figures became the mainstream on the TV screen. A similar boom was sparked
by the appearance of singer Namie Amuro in the mid-1990s, who enjoyed
unparalleled popularity among teenagers and young women until quite recently
. Known for her energetic dancing that belies her frail appearance, she came
to be imitated by her innumerable fans, from her clothes down to her
bleached hair and dark tan. The legion of Amuro look-alikes came to be known
as amuraa (Amuro + raa, Japan's adaptation of the English
suffix -er, as in "dancer"). Amuro's popularity was one big factor that
helped escalate the dieting craze.
Although there are still quite a few very slender celebrities like Amuro
on the scene, the emergence of stars like Fujiwara--well-rounded but not
overweight--points to a changing trend. One fashion critic says that "the
ideal for a woman's figure reflects the sexual role women are expected to
play," and goes on to analyze that the era when women were seen mainly as
sex symbols for men is ending; they are returning to their natural, honest
selves. Still, achieving a well-balanced body is no simple matter. As ever,
beauty does not come easy.
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by Japan Echo Inc. based on domestic Japanese news sources. Articles
presented here are offered for reference purposes and do not necessarily
represent the policy or views of the Japanese Government.