TO SAVE THE WORLD: Manufacturers Marketing Green Products (June 2, 1997)
MANAGING WITHOUT: Section Chiefs Squeezed in Corporate Overhauls (May 22, 1997)
SCRUTINIZING SPENDING: Survey Chronicles Postwar Consumption Trends (May 15, 1997)
LOOSENING UP: Relaxed Regulations to Change Japanese Lifestyles (May 14, 1997)
JAPAN'S OUTDOOR CRAZE: No End in Sight (May 9, 1997)
EARTH-FRIENDLY SHOPPING: "Green" Consumerism Catches On in Japan (May 2, 1997)
FILLING THE GAP: "Social Venture" Companies on the Rise (April 2, 1997)
MOVING ON UP: Apartment-Purchasing Boom Among Single Women (April 1, 1997)
CONVENIENCE STORES: Their Upside and Downside (March 25, 1997)
MAKING RECYCLING MANDATORY: New Law Will Target Plastic, Glass Bottles (March 24, 1997)
IVORY TOWER GOES DOWNTOWN: Workers Embrace Postgrad Programs in Urban Centers (February 28, 1997)
HELPING HANDS: Kobe Earthquake Spawns Wide-Ranging Volunteerism (February 27, 1997)
A GREENER EDUCATION: Hokkaido City Kids Go To Rural Schools (February 27, 1997)
SPENDING MONEY ON GARBAGE: Charging for Collection Leads to Less Waste (February 26, 1997)
NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: Groups Faced with Lack of Qualified Coordinators (Feburary 20, 1997)
DECLINING FERTILITY RATE: Population to Grow More Top-Heavy (Feburary 14, 1997)
WOMEN'S FASHION: The Pants Look is Booming in both Casual and Work Wear (January 30, 1997)
NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: Expanding Activities, Increasing Participation (January 21, 1997)
PAINTING THE TOWN BROWN: Earthty Shades Are In Again (December 27, 1996)
VIRTUAL GREETINGS: A New Year Tradition Goes Online (December 19, 1996)
CUSTOM-MADE BENEFIT PLAN: Growing Number of Firms to Give Employees a Choice (November 13, 1996)
LDP WINS BIG: Hashimoto to Stay On after Strong Election Showing (October 21, 1996)
RECYCLING IN JAPAN: Packaging and Containers Targets of Increased Efforts (October 18, 1996)
THE LOWER HOUSE IS DISSOLVED: Elections to Be Held October 20 (September 27, 1996)
ATTITUDES TO JOB SWITCHING: Radical Change in Perspectives of New Employees (August 22, 1996)
OBON : Japan's Virtual Summer Holiday (August 14, 1996)
JOB HUNTING ON THE INTERNET: Students, Companies Turn to Electronic Recruiting (August 2, 1996)
TRAFFIC WAR REVISITED: Preventing Fatal Accidents a National Priority (July 23, 1996)
SEEING THE WORLD: More Than 15 Million Travel Abroad in 1995 (July 19, 1996)
I-TURN: Life in the Country Beckons Urban Dwellers (July 1, 1996)
AFFLUENT SINGLES: High Level of Spending among Single-Person Households (July 1, 1996)
ZOOS AND AQUARIUMS: Not Just for Display, They're Preservation Facilities Too (June 13, 1996)
NATURAL GAS-POWERED VEHICLES: Industry Promotes Environmentally Friendly Cars (June 13, 1996)
STATION CONCERTS: Tokyo Station Hosts 200th Performance (June 3, 1996)
STITCHING UP THE MARKET: In Clothing, Japan Has Become an Import Colossus (June 3, 1996)
A FRIENDLIER RECEPTION: Department Store Employees Make Perfect Volunteers (May 7, 1996)
CATCHING ON: Environment-Friendly Fishing Line Stops Riverbed Pollution (April 30, 1996)
MARRIAGES OF CONVENIENCE: Cheaper, Simpler Overseas Weddings Lure Japanese Couples (April 25, 1996)
PICKING UP: Rise in Lost Property Points to Economic Uplift (April 18, 1996)
VIDEOS FOR PETS: Owners Are Using High-tech to Keep Their Pets Occupied (April 18, 1996)
Click here for articles (Information Bulletins) Through March 1996