EARTH-FRIENDLY SHOPPING: "Green" Consumerism Catches On in Japan (May 2, 1997)
GOING UNDERGROUND: Japan's Subterranean Construction Boom (March 27, 1997)
MAKING RECYCLING MANDATORY: New Law Will Target Plastic, Glass Bottles (March 24, 1997)
HELPING HANDS: Kobe Earthquake Spawns Wide-Ranging Volunteerism (February 27, 1997)
A GREENER EDUCATION: Hokkaido City Kids Go To Rural Schools (February 27, 1997)
SPENDING MONEY ON GARBAGE: Charging for Collection Leads to Less Waste (February 26, 1997)
CAR-RECYCLING DRIVE: Targets Set for Makers, Dealers, Wreckers (December 20, 1996)
ECO-FRIENDLY PUBLIC WORKS: Conservation and Restoration Become Major Themes (October 30, 1996)
RECYCLING IN JAPAN: Packaging and Containers Targets of Increased Efforts (October 18, 1996)
ECO-LABELING: 14 Countries, Regions to Collaborate on International Standards (August 22, 1996)
NATURAL GAS-POWERED VEHICLES: Industry Promotes Environment-Friendly Cars (June 13, 1996)
ZOOS AND AQUARIUMS: Not Just for Display, Now They're Preservation Facilities Too (June 13, 1996)
CATCHING ON: Environment-Friendly Fishing Line Stops Riverbed Pollution (April 30, 1996)
Click here for articles (Information Bulletins) through March 1996