NIPPONIA No. 41 June 15, 2007
Special Feature
Level of difficulty: 

Scottish terrier
Something for animal lovers. This cute dog will give you plenty of practice in reverse folds.
Origami creation:Sano Yasuhiro
Fold diagonally to make a triangle.
Fold bottom and right sides to diagonal line as shown.
Fold left and top sides to diagonal line.
Fold in half along diagonal line.
Fold to make a right angle. Crease firmly.
Fold tip to the left, aligning the top side precisely. Make “b” a little longer than “a”. Crease firmly.
“b” is a little longer than “a”.
Fold tip to the right, aligning the top side precisely.
It should now look like this.
Unfold so it looks like this. Make sure the creases are as shown.
Open up. Fold the left part back to the right along the center crease, reversing the fold. Press flat.
Open up along the center crease again, and swing the right part back to the left along the crease next to the left, again reversing the fold. Press flat.
Open up the left part and fold back to the right along the final crease, again reversing the fold. Press flat.
Fold in as shown, aligning with the front of the dog. Crease, then unfold. Repeat this step on the other side.
Fold from the chin to the back neck angle, along the line shown. Crease firmly, then unfold. Put your thumb deep under the dog's jaw, then push the lower right part in and up along the creases you made in Steps 14 and 15, forming a rectangle as shown. Repeat on the other side. Crease firmly.
Open up the tip and swing the right part up, reversing the fold to form the ears.
Open the right side, and fold down as shown.
Open up the back a little, then swing the tip up and in to make the tail and rear feet.
Your finished Scottish terrier.