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Shops in the Kyu-Karuizawa Ginza district. (11) This store, called Jam Kobayashi, is crammed with jam and juice made from vegetables and fruit grown by the owner. Jam always graced the tables of Westerners who came here to escape the summer heat, and jam from this store is now a favorite among souvenir hunters in Karuizawa. (12) Boulangerie Asano-ya makes delicious bread, and customers line up to buy it. (13) Osaka-ya sells furniture and small items carved in the Karuizawa style. (14)The walls of the photo studio, Tsuchi-ya, are covered with old photos, showing the Karuizawa of yesteryear. |
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An EC40 electric locomotive on display at Karuizawa Station. In the old days, an Abt system (using a toothed bar on the track to grip a cogwheel under the locomotive) was needed for the journey up the steep slopes of the Usui Pass. |
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The Erzgebirge Toy Museum in the Minami-Karuizawa district. Here you can see wooden toys made in the Erzgebirge Mountains on the border between Germany and the Czech Republic. |
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This stone church is known for its arches of stone and glass. The sunlight shining through the glass creates a mysterious mood. |
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Shiraito Falls (shiraito means "white threads"). Underground streams on Mount Asama form a river that flows over this volcanic ledge as innumerable white threads of water. The falls are 3 m high and 70 m wide. |
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The recently constructed Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza attracts many people, including young couples and parents with their children. |
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The Karuizawa Prince Hotel golf course is not run by a private club, so it is open to all. |
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Karuizawa has many churches. The Kyu-Karuizawa Chapel, built in 1980, has pure white walls. |
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Members of the Tsuchi-ya Horse Riding Club. |